SpeakOut Illinois is a joint project of over thirty pro-life organizations in northern Illinois to commemorate the tragic Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade.
Each year near the anniversary of Roe v. Wade SpeakOut Illinois presents a conference, including several speakers on life issues, a memorial service for the unborn whose lives are cut short by abortion, and the presentation of the Henry Hyde Life Leadership Award to an individual whose commitment to the fight for life is recognized as outstanding.
This year’s conference takes place on January 30, 2010 at the DoubleTree Oakbrook hotel. Speakers will include Lila Rose, President of Live Action, former Kansas attorney general Phill Kline and this year’s Hyde Award recipient, Austin Ruse, President of C-FAM. Visit the SpeakOut Illinos website for more details and to register for this exciting conference.
TeenSpeak 2010
There will also be a concurrent conference for teens called TeenSpeak, sponsored by Generations for Life, the youth outreach division of the Pro-Life Action League.
The TeenSpeak conference will also feature Lila Rose, as well as a number of other presentations and activities designed to help teens live out their pro-life beliefs. Find out more about at the TeenSpeak website and register today.
The Pro-Life Action League serves as the central coordinating organization for SpeakOut Illinois. The idea for SpeakOut was conceived by Tommie Romano in 1990, both as a way to memorialize Roe v. Wade, and to serve as a network for the Illinois pro-life organizations.
Coalition Sets Example for Other States
The SpeakOut coalition includes activists like the League, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, politically active pro-life groups, religiously affiliated organizations and a pro-life law firm. Committee members meet throughout the year to set the theme and select the speakers for the conference.
Each year a collection is taken up at the SpeakOut Illinois conference. The funds are used for either billboards or radio ads to promote important life issues.
In the process of working together on planning the annual conference, committee members and their representative organizations learn more about one another’s ministries and support one another’s efforts.
SpeakOut Illinois is a unique coalition, truly one-of-a-kind in the United States. It serves as an efficient conduit for communication and action on critical pro-life initiatives and strengthens the voice for life in the State of Illinois.