
League Offers No Greater Joy Sale for the Month of May

No Greater Joy Sale Graphic

In honor of Mother’s Day and Our Lady’s month, the Pro-Life Action League is having a sale on its No Greater Joy sidewalk counseling video.

Available on DVD and VHS, this documentary contains interviews with sidewalk counselors about the importance of sidewalk counseling and the various methods used as well as interviews with mothers who chose life for their babies because of the work of sidewalk counselors.

During the month of May you can get your own copy of this stirring documentary for only $10! You can also get the No Greater Joy Training Packet which includes the video, a training manual, sample counseling brochures and a fetal model for only $15.

To take advantage of the sale visit the League Store. You can pay by credit card online or use the printable form to send your order by mail or fax. Order today for a great deal on this powerful film.

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