Six years ago, our friends at Rock for Life came up with a simple idea: they asked pro-lifers of all ages to wear a Pro-Life T-Shirt on the last Tuesday in April. They called it “National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day”. Since then, National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day has gotten bigger and bigger each year. In fact, it’s so big that National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day has now become National Pro-Life T-Shirt WEEK! The great thing about wearing a pro-life T-shirt at your school, at work, or wherever, is that it gets people talking about the humanity of the unborn child — something that a lot of people never think about. Imagine how many people’s minds can be changed — and babies’ lives can be saved — when we give this witness for seven straight days from April 28 through May 4! There’s more information here. I hope you’ll join me in participating in National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week. Just by wearing a pro-life T-shirt and being out there in public, you’ll be helping to build a Culture of Life!