
It’s That Time of Year

Curriculum With the new school year right around the corner, we’ve heard from a number of students recently who are looking for assistance in getting pro-life clubs started at their high schools. These are the requests we especially love to get, since helping get new pro-life clubs up and running is one of the main reasons GFL exists. It’s for this reason that we created our Pro-Life Curriculum, which is designed as a manual for forming and maintaining an effective pro-life club. Curriculum 2 Before I worked for GFL, I was a high school teacher, and our pro-life club used one of the first versions of the curriculum when I served as its moderator. Once we started using it, it made things a lot easier, because we no longer felt we had to “re-invent the wheel” every time we had to plan a meeting or a club activity. If you’re looking to start a pro-life club in your high school, I would encourage you to check out our Pro-Life Curriculum. You can find out more about it — and read selected chapters — here. And, as always, please feel free to contact us if you need any further help.

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