
Counter-Protesters at 40 Days for Life in Chicago

Counter-protesters at 40 Days for Life in Chicago

Counter-protesters at 40 Days for Life in Chicago [Photo by Ann Scheidler]

On Saturday, October 3 at about 10 a.m., Pro-Life Action League vice president Ann Scheidler received a call from sidewalk counselor Kathy Mieding informing her that there were pro-abortion counter-protesters at the 40 Days for Life vigil outside the Family Planning Associates abortion clinic in Chicago.

Ann headed down to investigate, and just as Dan had said, there were about two dozen protesters, mostly with hand-written signs that said things like “Honk if your pro-choice[sic],” “Pro-Choice & Pro-Women” and “Free Condoms.”

Prayer Group at 40 Days for Life in Chicago

Prayer Group at 40 Days for Life in Chicago [Photo by Ann Scheidler]

The counter-protesters were peaceful, but they were blocking the sidewalk so the police asked them to move off the sidewalk and onto the street into the empty parking spots next to the clinic.

This had the unintentional effect of blocking parking, making it more difficult for people to find parking. As a result, Ann reported the clinic had almost no business for the entire time the counter-protesters were there.

What is abundantly clear was that this counter-protest is proof that 40 Days for Life and similar prayer and counseling ministries are working and working well. The bubble zone ordinance being proposed in Chicago further proof that these crucial pro-life activities are hurting the abortionists’ business and women and their babies are being spared the pain of abortion.

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