Today there are only 713 abortion clinics in the country. Although more than 700 may seem like a lot, in 1991 there were almost 2,200 clinics. So we have chopped the number of abortuaries by two-thirds. Hooray!
Project Daniel 5:25 Launched
Operation Rescue just released a map and corresponding list of every abortion clinic in the nation. They are calling this effort Project Daniel 5:25.
They chose the name Daniel 5:25 because in this verse Daniel deciphers the handwriting on the wall; he sees that the days of evil are numbered and foretells the fall of the wicked kingdom.
In the words of Operation Rescue President Troy Newman: “The days of legal abortion in this nation are numbered. Pro-life sentiment continues to gain ground as abortion support slips. Abortion clinics continue to close as demand decreases and as abortionists are increasingly exposed and reported to the authorities by pro-life groups.”
OR is asking pro-lifers to become more actively present at the abortion clinics in their area and to monitor them for illegal activities. As Newman observed, “We have never found an abortion clinic that follows the law. It is up to pro-life activists to serve as the watchdogs of the abortion industry and be the eyes and ears of law enforcement.”
If you are interested in joining Project Daniel 5:25, you can call 1-800-705-1175.
A Mere Bubble Can’t Stop Chicago Pro-Lifers
If you live in the Chicago area, you know that the new Bubble Zone law has made sidewalk counseling more difficult. This does not mean we have stopped going to the clinics, though. I hope you will put on the warmest clothes you own and join us some day soon. Prayer groups are at the Albany abortion clinic on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings, Friday evenings, and Saturday mornings. On Saturdays groups also gather at Planned Parenthood at Division and LaSalle and at Family Planning Associates on Washington.
If you live anywhere else in the nation, I can likely also put you in touch with someone who prays or counsels at your local abortion clinic. I have a list of 200 names of activists in 47 states. Please call our office at 773-777-2900, 9am-5pm and ask for Corrina. I’ll help you find someone. Or maybe you can give me your information and I can add you to the list!
Milwaukee Pro-Lifer Tried For Coming Too Close To The Door
Speaking of Bubble Zones, Missionaries to the Preborn sent out a message about the trial of Drew Heiss, which begins this week. Heiss is accused of standing 23 feet from the door of an abortion mill, violating a Milwaukee injunction prohibiting pro-lifers from coming within 25 feet of an entrance. He could face a year in jail if convicted. Please pray for him, his wife, and five children as they endure this trial.