On Friday, Karen from Holy Angels Church and Sandy from First Presbyterian Church had the great blessing of helping a couple at Planned Parenthood choose life instead of abortion! Great work Karen and Sandy! Here is the story in Karen’s own words:
On Friday, Feb. 8, I joined the dedicated pro-lifers from First Presbyterian Church in Aurora to pray and offer help to the women at Planned Parenthood. In the last half of the morning a man pulled out of Planned Parenthood’s parking lot and stopped to accept my literature. He had brought a woman to the clinic before I had arrived. I handed him the literature and asked how I could help. He indicated that he was opposed to the abortion, but that he didn’t really have a say. I said something to the effect that this was his baby, too, and that men suffer pain, grief, and anger after the abortion of their children. Then I suggested that he pull over into the Blockbuster parking lot where we could talk. He declined to do that, but said he would be back.
I presumed he would talk to me when he came back, but instead he pulled into the lot and went inside the building. I thought that was probably the end. But God was working all along.
Some time later, this man came out with the woman. They got in the car and pulled out of the lot, again stopping as I flagged them down. Imagine my joy when I discovered that “Tanya” had changed her mind and wasn’t going to go through with the abortion! I encouraged her to seek help at a crisis pregnancy center close to her home and assured her that she had made the right choice. Tears began flow down her cheeks.
I then asked if they would pull over by my car so that I could give Tanya the baby gift that I had in my trunk. When I handed her the gift all wrapped in baby paper with blue and pink ribbon, I was probably the first person to congratulate her on the new life that is growing inside her.
Again I assured her that she had made the right choice and that her reward was going to be a beautiful baby who would always love her. Her tears were still flowing. Although she did not want to give me her phone number so that I could follow up with her, I promised to pray for her and I wished them both God’s blessing.
God was truly at work. He certainly must be speaking to the hearts of all the women and men who go to mills to abort their babies. This couple was open to the prompting of the Spirit that they felt deep inside. How I admire that man was standing up for what he knew to be right and protecting his child and the woman he loves! While I was privileged to be a personal witness to this mighty action of God, all of you who pray and work for life were part of this victory as well.
Please pray for Tanya. And may God bless you for your faithfulness and care for these tiny babies and their parents.