For all of you in Nebraska: Next Saturday, October 11th, Annie and I will be running the teen segment of the Nebraska Catholic Conference’s pro-life convention in Lincoln. The theme of the conference is Reclaiming Our Generation for Life. I’ll be giving a talk on how to communicate the pro-life message, and Annie will be giving talks on how to effectively use the GFL Pro-Life Curriculum, and on the importance of chastity. In addition, I’ll be giving a talk at the adults’ conference titled “A Springtime in the Church: Forming and Activating the Next Generation”. If you live in the area, please come! You can get more information here [PDF]. Annie and I are both really looking forward to this conference, because sharing the pro-life message is one of our favorite things to do. If you’d like to have us speak to your group, contact us, and we’d be happy to talk with you about how to make that happen.