You might remember a series of posts from a few months ago about Stephanie Hoffmeier, a student at Colonial Forge High School in Stafford, VA, who made national news when she filed a lawsuit against her school for refusing to allow her to start a pro-life club. After Stephanie sued Colonial Forge, the school — very wisely — backed down and let Stephanie and other pro-life students start their club. After a case like this, you’d think that no other school in the country would ever want to make the same mistake of trying to tell pro-life students they don’t have the same rights as the rest of their classmates. You wouldn’t think any school would want to risk being sued and getting lots of negative publicity, especially when it’s so clear that schools have no right to discriminate against pro-life students. Unfortunately, discrimination against pro-life students in public schools continues. But thankfully, some students refuse to take no for an answer. This article reports that “P.A.”, a student at Westmont High School in Campbell, CA, is suing Westmont because the school is preventing her from starting a pro-life club:
Among other things, the suit contends that the school would not allow the anti-abortion club to convey information through public address announcements, the school website, bulletin boards and other advertising methods. The club bills itself as the “Live Action” club.
Here’s the really interesting part:
The student submitted a request to the school in October to start the anti-abortion club, but was denied access to “any avenue through which they might tell other students about the club,” according to the lawsuit. The suit contends the club also could not include the phrase “pro-life” in its name.
The school definitely won’t want to risk losing a lawsuit, and since this is such a clear case of illegal discrimination, I’d be very surprised if they don’t back down. Our prayers are with you, P.A.! [HT: Mark Shea]