
Hierarchy Weighs In: But Will Catholics Vote Pro-life?

We are adding an extra day to this hotline to get us through the Nov. 4 elections and we will include our observations on Wednesday’s Action News. Meanwhile, pray!

Church Hierarchy Weighs In: You Cannot Vote For Abortion Supporters

We have never seen so much ecclesiastical involvement in an election as there is in this one. While not mentioning candidates by name, the Church Hierarchy has made it clear that candidates in either or any party who support abortion cannot be voted for by practicing Catholics, without those Catholics incurring guilt (see, for example, what Bishop Martino and Cardinal George have written). Catholic public officials such as Sen. Joseph Biden and Speaker NancyPelosi have been reprimanded by their Bishops for misinforming the public on the Catholic Church’s teaching on procured abortion.

While most polls indicate that the Democrats will win in Tuesday’s election, other polls indicate that the outcome is too close to call.

Michigan To Vote on Embryonic Stem Cell Bill

In Michigan, voters will decide Tuesday whether or not embryonic stem cells may be donated and used in scientific research. Supporters of the bill say the measure could put Michigan researchers at the forefront of such medical research, and they have raised more than $8 million in this ballot drive campaign.

Opponents call such research unethical, since it involves use and destruction of human embryos. This opposition group, Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation, has raised over $5 million in its campaign to prevent the research proposal from passing.

Gay Rights Groups Oppose Dobson’s Induction

Gay rights groups are calling the Radio Hall of Fame headed by Bruce Dumont the Radio Hall of Shame for deciding to induct Focus on the Family’s James Dobson into its ranks. They cite Dobson for lobbying to pass anti-gay laws and speaking against homosexuality.

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