On Wednesday, September 24, all across America somewhere in the neighborhood of one-hundred-seventy communities will launch Forty-Days of Prayer outside of local abortion mills.
40 Days for Life Kicks Off This Wednesday
Here in Chicago, pro-lifers will begin the Forty Days of Prayer in front of the Albany Medical Center, 5086 North Elston, at 7:00PM. Leading the opening ceremonies will be Bishop Francis Kane, accompanied by the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, vigil candles, the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, Scripture Reading and prayers to end abortion.
The opening ceremonies are being sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago and yours truly, the Pro-Life Action League, and we are inviting as many attendees as are able, to remain with us until midnight when the new crew takes over. But whether you can stay a half-hour or several hours, we urge our callers to join us there Wednesday.
Are There Really Guardian Angels?
Are there really guardian angels, Cathy Grossman of the Chicago Sun-Times asks in her Friday column.
Her finding is that 81 percent of Black Protestants believe there are, while 66 percent of Evangelical Protestants do. Mainline Protestants have a 55 percent belief in guardian angels, two percent fewer than Catholics, who check in at only 57 percent. For shame.
A mere 10 percent of Jews believe in guardian angels. While 49 percent of all other religions believe in them, and even 20 percent of people with no religious affiliation at all believe they have a guardian angel.
I wonder what our guardian angels think about these results.
National Pro-Life Leadership Summit a Great Success
Our Planned Parenthood Summit Thursday at the Crown Plaza Hotel afforded positive proof that there is an army out there working to reverse the work of Planned Parenthood’s evil empire.
We heard from greats like Kathleen Sullivan of Project Reality, a chastity only program that of course works, in from Naples, FL; Jim Sedlak of STOPP Planned Parenthood and Jill Stanek of local blog fame. David Bereit of Forty Days for Life gave a rousing talk and Dr. Brian Clowes of Human Life International, a walking Library of Congress, distributed his latest text CDs packed with much vital information.
Patricia Bainbridge discussed Planned Parenthood programs that corrupt our youth. Jenn Giroux was there, along with Day Gardner, Kristan Hawkins and Keith Mason. Lila Rose flew in from California, Joe Langfeld, Shawn Carney and Kyleen Wright added weight to the discussion, not to mention Steve Peroutka, Fr. Norman Weslin, Fr. Joe Looney and our own attorney, Tom Brejcha.
Other greats dedicated to reducing Planned Parenthood to a shadow of its former self were on hand to encourage us to intensify the battle. We have always recognized that one of the most important perks of the pro-life movement is getting to work with the most dynamic and truly holy people of our time.
The Joint Resolution that came out of the summit meeting is here.