This Friday, July 11, the Pro-Life Action League launches its ninth annual Face the Truth Tour in the Chicago metropolitan area. The tour will cover twenty-four sites and conclude with a party at Eric Scheidler’s home in Aurora. Get more information here.
Victory for Pro-Life Truck Drivers
Back in March of 2003, sheriff’s deputies in Los Angeles stopped two pro-lifers for driving a truck, with pictures of aborted fetuses on it, around a school. Recently the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the pro-lifers had a free speech right to drive the truck on public streets and that the government cannot silence messages simply because ‘they cause discomfort, fear or even anger.’
The ruling favors two members of the Center for Bio-ethical Reform, Paul Kulas and Thomas Padberg, who drove around Dodson Middle School in Rancho Palos Verdes a half-hour before classes began. The principal called the Sheriff to complain that some girls were crying and some boys were throwing rocks at the truck.
He said the exhibit caused traffic congestion and was ‘disrupting a school.’ The drivers were detained by the deputies for more than an hour.
Liberal Judge Harry Pregerson wrote for the three judge panel that the ‘conduct was disruptive only because of the audience’s reaction to the content of the speech. All of these reactions were triggered by the upsetting message on the truck, not by noise or physical obstruction.’
Pro-life lawyer Robert Muise called this a good victory for the pro-life movement as well as for the First Amendment.
Nation’s Largest Abortion Mega-Center Opens in Denver
For nearly a year the huge Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Aurora, at 22,000 square feet, was the largest in the nation. Now that distinction goes to a new big box in Denver, CO which just opened, three months ahead of schedule.
It covers an area of more than 50,000 square feet, double the size of the Aurora Mill. And, like the Aurora Planned Parenthood clinic, the Denver mill also got approval through deceptive means.
Denver pro-lifers picketed the homes of construction company officers, persuaded some workers to quit working, and got some guards to leave, but despite their best efforts the building went up and is now is operation. It is more significant now than ever that we are holding our Stop Planned Parenthood Summit September 18 in Chicago.
The True Patriots
A Chicago Sun-Times editorial asks, ‘What, at heart, is patriotism all about?’ and tries to tell us. TIME Magazine pictures a flag pin on its July 7 cover and its features a story: ‘The Real Meaning of Patriotism.’
The Sun Times editor says it is pride of country, loving America’s ‘way of life,’ freedom of speech, religion, and protecting our unalienable rights. Some say it is serving in the military or working to make America a better place. It asks if it is more patriotic to protect government policies or protest them?
TIME Magazine is more elaborate: ‘Patriotism is an abstract concept consisting of symbols, words and actions relating to one’s country and its history, heritage, and ideals the of the founding fathers and the unfinished work remaining before us.’ But those of us on the pro-life side of the abortion war know that we are the true patriots.
This country has been great, with a special destiny to be a model of greatness to the world. It is our patriotic duty to try to bring America back to that greatness by restoring respect for marriage, unborn life, return to morality and reestablishing the ideals that inspired our founding fathers. Those who defend human life from abortion are true patriots.
Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer in The True Patriot call patriotism ‘appreciating not only what is great about our country, but also what it takes to create and sustain greatness.’ George Washington said that America is great because America is good, but that if America ever lost its goodness it would lose its greatness.
A country that kills four thousand unborn children every day is neither good nor great. Only when the killing stops will America be great again.
Protest Abortionist Henry Morgentaler’s Order of Canada Award
In Canada abortionist Henry Morgentaler is receiving the Order of Canada Award. Protest by simply calling 1 (416) 870-4444. You need not say a word. They will tell you your ‘no’ vote has been recorded. Do it now.