Nothing makes a stalwart pro-lifer happier than to know that his efforts are working to lessen abortions, to close abortion mills, to convert abortion supporters and to know for certain that the pro-abortionists recognize these efforts, and are very unhappy with them.
Michelman and Kissling Wring Their Hands
All of these goals seem to be met in a letter written jointly by Kate Michelman, former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America and Frances Kissling, former president of Catholics for a Free Choice. They complain that the United States has some of the most restrictive abortion policies in the world. It’s really not true, but if it makes them unhappy to think it is, let it stand.
They moan about not being able to use federal funds for abortions anymore, and they point out the fact that some states require parental consent or notification before an abortion can be performed, and some states impose a waiting period, while a federal law now prohibits the partial-birth method of abortion.
Pro-Lifers’ Arguments Now Taken More Seriously
They complain that pro-lifers, who twenty years ago were considered irrelevant and were mostly ignored, have become respectable and have their arguments taken more seriously. They are upset that the unborn child has become a reality to many people and that their off-putting slogan, “Who decides?” is losing its power to end the discussion.
They complain of the use of three dimensional ultrasound, and successful operations performed on the unborn. They hate the term, “Culture of Life,” which concentrates on saving lives, and makes the unborn welcome into the community. It also makes our cause to save the unborn more reasonable to the public.
Pro-Abortion Movement’s Momentum Gone
These old-time pro-abortion leaders are genuinely concerned that it is virtually impossible for the “pro-choice” movement to regain its early momentum. Society has changed. It has learned about the baby, the methods that destroy the baby in abortion, and the moral dimensions of abortion.
They say that if abortion is to regain the moral high ground, those who still believe in the right to choose will have to be open to these conflicts between life and choice, and between rights and responsibilities.
A White Flag?
They say it is time for a serious reassessment on their part. This is something of a concession for these two hard core pro-abortion feminists, Kate Michelman and Frances Kissling, to make. It is perhaps a landmark admission of defeat on the part of the abortion supporters. Some pro-lifers believe this statement is a call for as meeting between pro-abortionists and pro-lifers, to seek common ground. Perhaps it is. We have never seen much hope in anything coming from such an attempt. But it is a healthy sign that the proud pro-choicers who had society eating out of their hands only a few years ago, are now desperately seeking common ground in an effort simply to survive.
SpeakOut Illinois and TeenSpeak Conferences February 2
Illinois has something no other state can boast of, and that is a coming-together of nearly forty pro-life groups every month to discuss pro-life advances and to put together an annual conference covering every aspect of the pro-life movement.
It’s called SpeakOut Illinois, and it is holding its annual conference on Saturday, February 2 at the Drury Lane in Oakbrook Terrace.
This annual conference gets better every year, and this year it features a roster of superb speakers including Scott Klusendorf, Patricia Bainbridge, Jill Stanek, and Dr. Angela Lanfranchi.
Dr. Tony Levatino of “Meet the Abortion Providers” fame will address the concurrent TeenSpeak conference.
For information and reservations contact the Illinois Right to Life Committee at (312) 422-9300. See you there.