
Upcoming Pro-Life Events

Rock for Life is sponsoring National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day on April 24. Also, Stand True Ministries is sponsoring the National Mother’s Day Baby Shower to benefit pregnancy resource centers across the country. And, lastly, for those of you in the Chicago area, we recently got an invitation from Mike Breidenbach, president of Northwestern University Students for Life:

NSFL is hosting Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life, who will speak on “The Feminist Case Against Abortion.” We invite you and members of Generations for Life to the event on April 12, at 7:30 pm, in Swift 107 (see map here [PDF]). Ms. Foster is a widely recognized national spokesperson for pro-life feminism. Her lecture will address 200 years of pro-life feminism and explain how she believes the modern women’s movement wrongly came to support abortion. I have seen Ms. Foster speak before, and she is well worth the visit to Evanston.

Mike is right. I too have heard her speak before, and she’s excellent. *** If you’d like to publicize your own upcoming pro-life event, feel free to post a comment.

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