
This Saturday’s Protest – Let’s Repeat Last Month’s Success!

Click to watch video of 11/17 protestI posted a couple of new videos from last month’s protest of Planned Parenthood Aurora. The first mixes Eric’s closing prayer with various pics and video clips from the day. If you know someone who is considering attending this Saturday, it gives a nice overview of how these monthly rallies look and feel: peaceful, prayerful, organized and effective. Click to watch video of Roger strollingThe second captures yet another First Amendment violation against pro-lifers in Aurora. Roger Earl was not permitted the freedom to pray quietly while walking his daughter in a stroller. Pro-lifers are denied access to certain sidewalk areas during our monthly protests (which is unconstitutional in itself), but Roger was not even part of the protest and still forced to move. You can hear Roger’s explanation of events, including how the police questioned what he was praying about, and their insistence that anyone praying must be part of the protest. Click to watch video of picket lineThe next protest of Planned Parenthood Aurora is scheduled for this Saturday, December 15. Last month’s protest was a fantastic success, with well over 200 people praying and marching in support of life. I thought it was especially exciting to see many new faces at the protest – I spoke to numerous people who said it was their first ever pro-life event – so let’s continue to invite others to join the cause. I’m looking forward to a strong turnout and repeat performance this weekend!

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