
The Latest News on Aurora Planned Parenthood

From an e-mail Eric just sent:

In light of recent developments, I think it would be a good idea for many of us to be present at City Hall [at] 4:30 when the mayor and aldermen will meet in a “Committee of the whole.” Here’s the news:

  1. I am informed that NO ABORTIONS were scheduled for today — in fact, it looks like no clients were being seen. So we can afford to devote some forces to prayer at City Hall.
  2. We have filed an appeal with the Aurora Zoning Board of Appeals today. That appeal SHOULD have resulted in an immediate stay, with Planned Parenthood remaining closed. The City is not enforcing the law, once again, so we need to be there with our witness.

Finally, I have important news about the Prayer Vigil. Because Planned Parenthood is now open, the time has come to shift from a round-the-clock vigil to a “Life Force Team” mode. This means that we will commit to being present at the Planned Parenthood site during ALL hours that they are open. Please visit the vigil page to pledge to be there praying when PP is open. The calendar will now display the hours from 7-5 each day. I’ll write again soon with more information on this new phase of our ongoing prayer campaign. Meanwhile, please join me at City Hall this afternoon at 4:30 to pray for the mayor, corporation counsel and aldermen.

No matter where you are, no matter when you actually read this, please offer some prayers that Aurora city officials do the right thing. And, if you’d like to follow the Aurora Planned Parenthood situation more closely, please sign up for Eric’s e-mail updates here.

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