A few weeks ago I posted about a student at Colonial Forge High School in Stafford, VA, who sued her school after she was told she would not be allowed to start a pro-life club. Faced with a lawsuit, the school backed down, and the Pro-Life Club is now up and running, with the full permission of the Colonial Forge administration. Huzzah!
Stephanie Hoffmeier with her mother, Bernadette [Washington Post photo]
The Washington Post had a great article yesterday about the student, Stephanie Hoffmeier, and her refusal to take no for an answer when the school denied her and her fellow pro-life students the right to have a club of their own. Stephanie’s comments in the article indicate that she is sensible, devout, and humble—all excellent qualities for a pro-life leader:
“We just wanted the same rights as other clubs. It’s not a radical thing to expect equal treatment.” “I feel God has put it [starting the club] on my heart for a pretty long time.” “I just prayed and asked for God’s will to be done.” “I’m just the one who took action. But there are many others — many, many others.”
God bless you, Stephanie! [HT: Bryan Kemper of Stand True]