
Last Night’s City Council Meeting in Aurora

***UPDATE: 9/13, 1:15PM: Jeff from Chicago Pro-Life Activist has produced two video montages from Tuesday’s City Council meeting, which include excerpts from the testimonies of both pro-lifers and pro-aborts: The Aurora Planned Parenthood situation continues to get more interesting every day. Jill Stanek was at the Aurora City Council meeting last night, and reports on it here. After Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area CEO Steve Trombley published an open letter [PDF] last week in the Aurora Beacon smearing the good people of Aurora who oppose him as “anti-abortion activists with a history of advocating illegal and sometimes violent behavior”, our attorney demanded [PDF] that he retract these false and libelous statements, or face the consequences in court. Jill sums it up: “Steve Trombley obviously took Tom Brejcha’s letter to cease and desist as a dare.” Two days ago, PP/CA published a full page ad (see here [PDF]) in the Beacon featuring a bombed abortion clinic, saying, “Joe Scheidler and his Pro-Life Action League have a well-documented history of advocating violence against both persons and property, as well as other related criminal activity.” Of course, the Supreme Court said otherwise — not once, but twice — and Joe Scheidler has always supported only peaceful methods of pro-life activism. This having been said, consider how Jill reports one pro-lifer addressed the Mayor and City Council of Aurora last night:

One commenter told officials, “Does this look violent to you? This is what I do.” And she marched back and forth in front of the podium with her rosary beads. She talked another minute and said again, “Again, does this look violent to you? This is what I do.” And did it again.

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