Over the summer, as we’ve been catching up with some of our pro-life clubs, we’ve gotten some very encouraging updates, like this one from Peg Freiburger, one of the advisors for the HeartBeat Teens group in Fond du Lac, WI:
HeartBeat Teens’ 2007 Summer Activities
by Peg Freiburger
This summer HeartBeat Teens of Fond du Lac County in Wisconsin has kept up monthly meetings in which we learn about life issues and plan ways to advance the sanctity of life in the community. In June we had a Father’s Day carnation sale at a local church, and the carnations included the following message (written by our very own Calvin Freiburger) about the importance of fathers to their unborn children:
On Father’s Day we thank those who devote themselves to the children they create and to the women they create them with; those who live by responsibility & courage instead of the quick and easy path of gratification & abandonment; those who recognize their irreplaceable role in God’s plan for the family; and those whose commitment to all this remains steadfast in the face of modern society’s never-ending quest for excuses and indulgence. It is you who keep the hope of a better future alive.
In July we met with a group from Rock for Life who were traveling across the country and swapped stories about the fight for life. We had a great evening of pizza and stories. One of our main projects was a booth at the week-long Fond du Lac County Fair. Fond du Lac County Wisconsin Right to Life provided the cost of the booth and lots of handouts as well as paying for our tickets to get into the fair. We are very grateful to them. The booth again included our version of The Game of Life, where we asked people to spin the wheel on the board and we then asked them a question about pro life issues. This year we included a separate set of questions for the little ones. Everyone, whether wrong or right, was given a prize AND a list of the questions with the answers so they could later quiz their friends and family members. We filled a baby bottle with safety pins for a guessing game and approximately 500 people played (the prizes were mall gift cards), we had a continuous ultrasound video playing, which we know grabbed a lot of attention, as did the baby models, and lots of pro-life information was given out. We were very happy with this year’s booth as it seemed there were more people on our side of the issues and lots of teens that were interested in the abstinence info we had. In August we had a float in the annual Eden Firemen’s Parade, which had over 100 entries. The theme for our entrance was broken hearts, complete with “Achy Breaky Heart†playing all the way through! We wore cowboy hats, bandanas and t-shirts that read ‘One Heart Stops, Another Heart Breaks’. We had a huge heart on top of the van and plastered the van with hearts and pro life messages. We placed 15th in the civic category and won $25.00! We’re also busy selling pizza coupons as a group fundraiser.