
A Beautiful Day …

pict8638a.JPGFriday the 14th at the abortion mill was a beautiful day for the unborn. Almost 1,000 pray-ers came, aside from our usual 24 hour people. Bishop Doran arrived at 2:30 with 50-70 priests, and were accompanied by approximately 400 pro-lifers. Many powerful prayers were prayed : Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, litany of saints was sung, and Fr. Dan Deutch, from Holy Cross in Batavia, gave an amazingly, POWERFUL prayer of “deliverance” for the PP workers, building, and their activities. We overflowed into the street because at exactly 2:30, PP had a few men come and throw some seed on the city parkway. Police were there to make sure we all stayed off of the parkway grass. They stated that we may not put crosses or anything else on the parkway now that the new grass is trying to grow. The crosses, cooler, and bin are on the edge of the sidewalk. At 7:00 pm, another 300-400(?) showed up for the Jericho march. Many rosaries, prayers and songs were shared. During that time, 10-12 teenagers showed up with PP signs on “our” vigil sidewalk area. They were rude and using obcenities so a pro-lifer called the police. Three police cars showed up and the situation dispersed quickly. 4-5 teens stayed and hung on the corner with their PP signs and their cigarettes. Any chance Aurora is a smoke free community!!?? Overall, a successful and powerful day of prayer for the unborn. Thank you to all who spent part of their day with us. (From report by Day Captain Ann W.)

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