Illinois’ favorite son, Congressman Henry Hyde, received the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Tuesday from President George Bush.
A Well-Deserved Honor for Hyde
Hyde, in Illinois recovering from heart bypass surgery, could not be at the White House for the ceremony, but his son Robert received the medal for him. Hyde, 82, served 32 years in Congress, is retired, and received the medal primarily for his strong support for human life.
He is best known for the Hyde Amendment that cut off federal funding for most abortions. This was passed in the late 70’s and has been modified several times, but continues to restrict federal money for abortions.
While the Chicago Sun-Times in its brief story on the honor makes no mention of the Hyde Amendment, the Chicago Tribune says Hyde is perhaps best known for his fight against abortion, restricting federal funding for it.
His son, Bob, suggested Monday that that is part of the legacy being honored with the medal, saying he thinks it affirms the importance and value of Hyde’s stance on things like right to life. It’s a way of saying it was worth the effort and the price he paid.
Congressman Hyde had been honored with “The Man for All Seasons” award by the Thomas More Society Law Center at their tenth anniversary banquet October 20 in Highland Park.
Check out
At the suggestion of a friend I checked out the website I found it to be one of the best pro-life learning aids on the web.
I strongly urge you to check it out, if you haven’t already, and to give it as a “must see” to everyone you know, friend and foe alike. I was on the site for nearly two hours.
It’s possibly the most important website you’ll ever encounter. The web could have been invented just for this site. It could slow abortion to a standstill if everyone saw it—and listened to what it says.
Women would still have abortions but would have to accept the fact that they have chosen a lifetime of depression and despair. Doctors would still kill babies, but will know they are the dregs, destined for ruin. is blunt, graphic, brutal—and true. Give yourself some time to look, read and listen. Like me, you will then want everyone to watch it, and will challenge your pro-life friends to log on, and probably dare your pro-abortion friends too.
One pro-abort who logged on says all pro-abortionists should look at so they can know exactly what they are supporting and will have to make a firm, thought-out decision if they want to stay on the wrong side of the abortion issue.
On you will see abortion in a different way, especially combined with the testimonials. Even pro-abortion politicians appear in a more sinister light than usual, and religious leaders who counsel for abortion are seen as blasphemers, and their churches as whitened sepulchers full of dead men’s bones.
In the presentation someone says that years from now a new generation will look back with total disbelief that Americans once thought abortion was acceptable. Future Americans will wonder if we were a generation that lost its mind, its way, or its soul. Some of us wonder those things now.
In Other News
Andrea Sarvady in the Chicago Sun-Times last Saturday, commenting on abstinence, makes fun of those people who still believe there may be a spark of the divine in our young people.
She supports giving children birth control without parental knowledge or consent.
Most Americans Oppose Most Abortions
On the brighter side, a recent Fox News poll shows a majority of Americans oppose most of the abortions taking place in America today. While encouraging, it still shows that hardly anyone really understands how tragic abortion is, and what it is doing and will inevitably do to the soul of America. And until every American has at least been exposed to the truth that abortion is not only cold blooded murder of a child, but also National Suicide, I won’t be happy.