Nearly thirty energetic pro-lifers filled the Pro-Life Action League’s offices this Saturday for our semi-annual Sidewalk Counseling Training Seminar given by the League’s directors, Joe and Ann Scheidler, along with longtime sidewalk counselor Cathy Mieding.
The single most important work we do as pro-life activists is to counsel abortion-bound women right outside the killing centers. Thousands of babies have been saved by sidewalk counselors, and increasing their ranks will result in even more babies’ lives being saved from abortion.
EWTN Highlights Pro-Life Activism
Speaking of saving babies, EWTN is showing a special on activism on Monday, June 25, at 5:30 p.m. central time. It’s called “beingHUMAN: 40 Days for Life,” about Coalition for Life’s dynamic “40 Days” campaign which is mobilizing local communities in the fight against abortion. You can learn more about the program at the Coalition’s website.
The “Unintended” Effects of Legal Abortion
John Lott has an excellent op-ed in last Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal titled “It’s Not Enough to Be ‘Wanted'” that reminds us of what we pro-lifers have been saying for years: Roe v. Wade has resulted in a sharp increase in pre-marital sex, a sharp rise in out-of-wedlock births, a drop in the number of children placed for adoption, and a decline in marriages that occur after the woman gets pregnant.
In the column, Lott says a lot of things pro-aborts don’t want you to know, like this:
Children born after liberalized abortion rules have suffered a series of problems from problems at school to more crime. The saddest fact is that it is the most vulnerable in society, poor blacks, who have suffered the most from these changes.
Sad, indeed, but true.
Pro-Life March Saturday in Naperville
This Saturday, June 30, the pro-life committee at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Naperville, IL is sponsoring a pro-life Mass and March to the Planned Parenthood Express facility in Naperville. The schedule for the event is as follows:
- 8:30 a.m. Mass St. Thomas Chapel (1500 Brookdale Road)
- 9:00 a.m. Prayer Service, St. Thomas Chapel
- 9:30 a.m. Brookdale Rd. to Raymond Drive to North Aurora Rd.
- 9:45-11:30 a.m. Prayer Vigil and Protest (1567 N. Aurora Road)
Help show Planned Parenthood that we will not stand by and allow their corrupting influence to go unchallenged in our communities. For more information, call Steve Obendorf at 630-357-4910.