
A Pro-Life Voice in the Media

The Pro-Life Action League continues to be a resource for news media on the abortion issue. Reporters know they can count on us for the pro-life perspective, and we appreciate the opportunity to deliver our message to a wider audience.

On January 10, David Kupelian of WorldNetDaily, doing a piece on “The Marketing of Evil,” requested the names of activists who deal directly with counseling women out of having abortions. He wanted to interview sidewalk counselors and others working in Crisis Pregnancy Centers. We gave him two of our best: Cathy Mieding and Mary Strom. Later that day I was interviewed by Al Kresta for Kresta in the Afternoon, relating two of my most memorable experiences as a pro-life activist.

“Reporters know they can count on us for the pro-life perspective.”

On February 1, Eric Scheidler was interviewed on Capitol Public Radio’s Day to Day program about California’s fetal homicide law and its implications for the abortion issue.

During the League’s picket of Sen. Barack Obama when he announced his bid for President on February 10, in Springfield, IL, we were interviewed by WMAQ-TV, WBBM Radio, The Daily Herald, The Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Southtown Economist, as well as several downstate newspapers. The coverage helped us expose Obama’s a pro-abortion stand, a fact largely neglected by the liberal media.

Monica Migliorino Miller, a teacher at Madonna University in Michigan with whom I’ve worked fighting abortion for 28 years, interviewed me March 13 on her radio program, The Christ and Culture Forum. We discussed the need for pro-life activists to stress the suffering involved in abortion on many levels, including the suffering of the victim—the child—and to oppose “pragmatism,” the spirit of compromise that plagues our times.

The April 18 announcement of the U. S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision upholding the Partial Birth Abortion Ban brought the media to our office as we did interviews with Diane Jones for PBS Radio in New York, Michael Jones of CNN Radio, John Cody in Chicago on WBBM Radio, Jan Sluizer of AP Radio, Larry Mantle of KPCC Air Talk, a debate with Planned Parenthood, and an interview with Ed Pilkington of the Manchester Guardian. On April 19 we were on Relevant Radio with Drew Mariani to discuss UNICEF and its abortion involvement.

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