Since buying the building that formerly housed Wichita’s Central Women’s Services abortion clinic, Operation Rescue staffers have discovered horribly unsanitary and unsafe conditions in the facility. Like this: OR wants action:
Operation Rescue is calling for emergency inspections of the four remaining Kansas abortion mills in light of filthy and unsafe conditions discovered when Operation Rescue bought the Central Women’s Services building last month. Operation Rescue invites Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to tour the Central Women’s Services facility and see the conditions for herself. Discovered were horrific, unclean conditions in addition to out-of-code electrical wiring and plumbing, broken ceilings, and evidence of roach and rodent infestations. This is the second Kansas abortion mill discovered to have horrendous conditions. Last year, a Kansas City abortion mill run by Krishna Rajanna was found to be filthy and infested with rodents. Food and aborted baby bodies were stored in the same refrigerator and there were allegations reported by a Kansas City police detective of suspected cannibalism. Rajanna eventually lost his medical license and his mill was closed. In April, 2005, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius vetoed HB 2503, a bill that would have required abortion mills to meet basic minimum standards. In her veto statement she said, “As governor, nothing is more important to me than the safety and good health of our citizens. Kansans must be assured when they receive care in a hospital or clinic that their providers meet high standards of safety and responsibility.†“If Sebelius was telling the truth, she will order immediate emergency inspections of all remaining abortion clinics in the state of Kansas, and close those where similar conditions exist in the interest of public health and safety,†said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Both closed abortion offices in the past year have been found to have conditions that no human being should ever have to endure. It is absolutely scandalous that women are being subjected to these filthy unsafe chop shops with the stamp of approval of the Governor’s Office.†“A crisis exists in the Kansas abortion industry and Sebelius has done everything she could to allow these shocking conditions to continue to exist,†said Newman. “She was just plain wrong to veto clinic regulations, and we now own the building that proves it.â€
And how. Remember this the next time you hear someone imply that because abortion is legal, it is therefore safe.