This afternoon, South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds signed into law our nation’s first abortion ban since 1973 — legislation that he calls a “direct challenge” to Roe v. Wade. The pro-lifers of South Dakota deserve to be commended. They didn’t sit around waiting for someone to do something about abortion. They actually did something themselves. I was especially impressed by these comments from the Governor:
While this is a state and national issue, I want to emphasize that whatever the courts decide, South Dakotans will continue to care about both the unborn child and mother. If we are pro-life, we must recognize the need to take care of women who are faced with a difficult pregnancy. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy, we cannot protect the innocent child, unless we protect and care for the mother. We must help each mother to see the value of the gift that is a child, and nurture the mother for her own sake and for the sake of her child. Our state is committed to helping greater numbers of pregnant woman who will allow their babies to grow inside them and be born. In both the private and public sector in South Dakota, we have healthcare options, economic assistance before and after birth, adoption services, and, most importantly, people who want to help pregnant women, young mothers and their children.
These remarks help put to rest the ridiculous argument we often hear that pro-lifers supposedly only care about unborn babies. I’m hopeful that this grassroots effort is the tip of the iceberg — and judging from similar pro-life bills being introduced in other states like Mississippi and Missouri, it just might be.