
No Abortion Clinic on Sioux Land

Cecelia Fire Thunder

Cecelia Fire Thunder

When South Dakota passed a statewide ban on abortion earlier this year, pro-abortion Oglala Sioux tribal president Cecelia Fire Thunder thought she’d found a clever way around the ban: open an abortion clinic on sovereign Oglala Sioux land, which is not under South Dakota law. Now local media are reporting that the tribal council has passed a law in line with the South Dakota abortion ban and suspended Fire Thunder while impeachment proceedings are prepared (HT: Operation Rescue). This welcome development isn’t much of a surprise to anyone familiar with Native American culture. Native Americans are strongly pro-life; the Oglala Sioux are not the only ones to have laws against abortion—some tribes even seek to extradite abortionists who abort unborn babies with tribal blood to reservation territory for trial under murder charges. Hats off to the pro-life Oglala Sioux who mobilized to scuttle Cecelia Fire Thunder’s scheme to keep abortion in South Dakota in opposition to the strong pro-life ethos of their tribe. And a hat tip to Operation Rescue for the clever title of their press release on this story: “Fire Thunder Fired: Tribe Burns Plans For Abortion Clinic.”

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