On September 22-23, 2006, the Pro-Life Action League will host “Contraception Is Not the Answer,” a pro-life conference on the many ways that contraception has harmed our society and undermined our effort to save the lives of unborn babies.
“The pro-life movement has cowed away from the issue of contraception for too long,” remarked Pro-Life Action League Communications Director Eric Scheidler. “We’ve allowed our opposition to perpetuate the myth that contraception is good for society. Our conference in September will explode that myth.”
Conference Will Explode Contraception Myths
“Contraception Is Not the Answer” will offer a fascinating program of eight speakers on the various ways in which contraception has impacted society—its effect on women, on men, on marriage, on the culture—and will show that contraception is the taproot of abortion.
Conference highlights include Jennifer Roback-Morse on the cultural contradictions of contraception for women, Janet Smith on how contraceptives alter intimate relationships, Fr. Tom Euteneuer on the spiritual effects of contraceptive use and Rutgers University sociologist Lionel Tiger on the impact of contraceptives on men and masculinity.
“We invite all in the pro-life movement to attend this conference, even those who do not share our negative judgment of contraception,” said Scheidler. “We likewise extend an invitation to anyone who is willing to consider that our society may not have yet addressed the profound impact that widespread contraceptive use has had on our families and our culture.”