Here’s good news out of Wichita, Kansas, as told to us by Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. The Central Women’s Services, one of two abortion facilities left in Wichita, recently held a pitiful yard sale as it closed its doors permanently.
Kansas Down to One Abortuary
Wichita pro-lifers have been picketing and counseling at this facility for many years, and their effectiveness was seen as the Central reduced its killings to two days a month and finally none. The owners were behind in their rent and had to have their abortionist drive in from Kansas City, a two-hour drive, to do the killing.
Central was the site of a huge Pastor’s Rescue during the Summer of Mercy in 1991. More than eighty pastors were arrested during a clinic blockade. In 2005 Central made the news when Operation Rescue found the bodies of aborted babies dumped in a Kansas City landfill. Other news stories involved botched abortions.
Cheryl Sullenger, an Operation Rescue staffer, went to the sale last week. She said there wasn’t much there. “It was dingy and crowded inside,” she wrote, “and not particularly clean. Most of the items for sale had seen better days. It must have been depressing to have an abortion at such a dumpy office. I felt a real sense of loss for the babies who had died there.”
Operation Rescue in 2003 had even purchased a vacant lot behind the Central and had parked a trailer with a billboard-sized banner on it that warned women about abortion complications. The banner was frequently vandalized
I picketed this clinic a few times and during the Summer of Mercy joined the pastors, marched through town, and attended a large assembly in the football stadium in closing ceremonies at the end of the summer.
At one point the Pro-Life Action League placed eighty tombstones on the lawn next to the Central abortion clinic, with the names of women throughout the country who had died from legal abortions. A photograph of this event is published in my book, CLOSED: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion.
Our hat is off to all of those pro-life activists who over the years kept vigil at this killing center. Troy says “After over twenty years of human tragedy and loss of life, we thank God for finally ending the killing at this abortion mill. We pray that Wichita’s better known abortuary; George Tiller’s Women’s Health Care Services, will be the next to close.” Amen to that.
Contraception Is Not the Answer
You will shortly be getting an invitation to a unique conference, the first of its kind ever in the United States. It is the League’s “Contraception is Not the Answer,” conference to be September 22 and 23, featuring some of the best experts in the world on hand, to cover all aspects of the devastation wrought by a contraceptive mentality.
You will not want to miss this first-ever comprehensive conference on contraception, the catalyst for the sexual revolution, divorce, burgeoning of disease, broken homes and abortion. Watch your mail box and read about the up-coming conference in our next Action News. More to come.