
Planned Parenthood Lures Teens with Movie Tickets, iPod Contest

Memorial Day is a time to remember and to be grateful for all those who have gone before us and now enjoy beatitude. It’s a day to be thankful for their lives, and for the memories we have of them. But more than remembering it is a time to pray for their guidance as we work through our own trials toward the victory we hope someday to share with them. Happy Memorial Day.

Planned Parenthood Lures Teens with Movie Tickets, iPod

Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the world, is soliciting young people to use its services by offering free movie tickets, the chance to win an iPod and ten dollars off your friend’s first visit to their clinic. “Planned Parenthood has resorted to common corporate tactics in an effort to get young people to encourage their friends to become the pro-abortion corporation’s new victims,” according to Doug Scott of Life Decisions International. How low can you stoop, Doug asks.

Golden Gate Planned Parenthood is offering the chance on an iPod and Rocky Mountains Planned Parenthood gives the free movie passes. “Tell a friend about Planned Parenthood and get two free movie tickets,” one ad reads. But these must be new customers. Once Planned Parenthood has recruited these unwary souls, the indoctrination begins: brainwashed into a totally secular philosophy.

If you don’t get Doug’s Caleb Report you should. It’s packed with information dealing with many facets of the abortion wars. Life Decisions International alerts its members to businesses and corporations involved in abortion. It has been instrumental in getting nearly a hundred businesses to drop Planned Parenthood support. To contact them call (540) 631-0380, or write PO Box 75161,Washington DC, 20013.

Call Congress in Support of Holly’s Law

Despite the growing number of deaths of women who used the French abortion pill, RU-486, the hastily approved pill is still on the market. But legislation to remove the pill has been introduced by Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, Republican of Maryland, and Sen. Jim DeMint, Republican from South Carolina.

The two pending bills, S-511 and HR-1079, are known as “Holly’s Law,” after 18-year-old Holly Patterson who died of toxic shock after taking RU-486. To advance S-511 in the Senate Health Committee call 202-224-3424. To advance HR-1079 in the House Subcommittee on Health, call 202 225-2927.

Judicial Watch reports that under the Democrats in 1994, RU-486 was rushed through the FDA to get it on the market before it was thoroughly tested: “Pressure from the Clinton administration led the FDA to circumvent the standard requirements for certifying a drug as ‘safe and effective’ in order to rush the abortion regimen to market,” according to a Life Advocacy Briefing.

Good News, Bad News, Sad News

Abortionist George Tiller is under a Kansas grand jury investigation for the January 2005 death of 19-year-old Christin Gilbert of Texas, though the jury’s scope is not limited to this single death, but could incorporate other incidents of Tiller’s abortion business into its investigation.

Good news from Alabama: A Birmingham abortuary was shut down last week for performing medical treatment on a patient without a doctor. A patient was told she was six-weeks pregnant, but delivered a near full term baby at a hospital emergency room after being given RU 486. The baby weighed over six pounds. Summit Medical Center’s license may be revoked. Public hearings are June 20.

Since assisted suicide became legal in Oregon eight years ago, rates of non-assisted suicides in that state have gone up markedly, with at least a hundred Oregonians age 65 or older, taking their lives annually. Efforts are being made by state officials to help reduce the suicide rate of the elderly. Wesley Smith of LifeSite says officials don’t seem to get the point that the state’s own official endorsement of assisted suicide has encouraged this trend among the elderly. “If it’s ok for cancer patients to commit suicide, why not for me?” Sad.

Also sad are rituals being used to make abortion seem acceptable. They include lighting candles, writing the baby to be aborted a note, burning the letter and saving the ashes. More on this later.

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