
Press and Pro-Aborts React to League Contraception Conference

Trib story on CINTA

The Chicago Tribune published a lenghty articld on the League’s conference entitled, “Abortion foes’ new rallying point.”

The Pro-Life Action League has been gratified by the attention given to our groundbreaking “Contraception Is Not the Answer” conference by both the mainstream media and some of our chief enemies. Even before the conference closed, we were excited to see a lengthy article on page three of the early edition of the September 24 Sunday Chicago Tribune—an article which was expanded in later editions. Tribune reporter Judith Graham’s article contained some misleading points, but was fairly balanced on the whole. The Chicago Archdiocesan newspaper, Catholic New World also did an article on the conference.

Kathryn Joyce of the radical left-wing magazine The Nation said that our event “served as a sort of coming-out party for the anticontraception movement.” The conference was also covered prominently in Salon.com, Ms. magazine, Medical News Today, college newspapers like the Daily Princetonian, and newspapers from as far away as New Zealand.

The most extensive coverage from the opposition appeared on the anti-family website RH Reality Check, which frequently features contributions from major figures in the pro-abortion movement. Site contributor Tyler LePard attended the conference as a “spy,” and produced a series of articles criticizing each of the talks.

Commenting on the series of articles, League Communications Director Eric Scheidler said, “The pro-abort crowd is scared, as well they should be—they know as well as we do that the entire edifice of sexual license, perversion and abortion is erected upon the foundation of contraception.”

Planned Parenthood Cries Extremism

Our campaign against contraception launched at the September 22-23 event became the centerpiece of a Planned Parenthood appeal to their supporters in October which pointed the finger at our “extremist president, Joseph Scheidler” for having the audacity to take a stand. In a press release issued in response, Scheidler commented: “I have always believed that one is known by his enemies. I take it as a mark of our effectiveness that Planned Parenthood is worried. They should worry because we have truth on our side, and they have nothing but lies.”

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