2004 March for Life Vanguard [Photo by EJS]
On Monday, January 24, hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers will gather in Washington D.C. to march on the National Mall to memorialize the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision for the 32nd annual March for Life. Meanwhile, all across the country pro-life groups will hold local events on or near the January 22 anniversary of the decision that legalized abortion:
- Illinois: SpeakOut Conference 1/16
- Illinois: Group Trips to March for Life 1/24
- San Francisco, CA: Walk for Life 1/22
- New York, NY: Pro-Life Mass 1/22
- Midland, TX: Rally & Prayer Vigil 1/21
- Phoenix, AZ: Marches for Life 1/22
- Tucson, AZ: March for Life 1/22
- St. Paul, MN Prayer Vigil & March 1/22
- Austin, TX: Rally for Life 1/22
- Glen Ellyn, IL: Prayer Service 1/22
- Wichita, KS: Memorial 1/21 & “Tour of Shame” 1/22
- Fairbanks, AK: Face the Truth 1/22
- Illinois: SpeakOut Illinois Conference 1/16
- A consortium of pro-life groups across the state of Illinois, including the Pro-Life Action League, are hosting the SpeakOut Illinois conference on Sun. Jan. 16 from 1-8 p.m. Information and registration at SpeakOut Illinois.
- Illinois: Group Trips to March for Life
- Diocesan groups all across the state are planning trips to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. A list is available at SpeakOut Illinois.
- San Francisco: Walk for Life West Coast 1/22
- West coast pro-lifers will gather at 11:00 a.m. on Sat. Jan. 22 at Justin Herman Plaza on Market Street and then begin walking at noon. More information at Walk for Life West Coast.
- New York: Ancient Order of Hibernians Mass 1/22
- A Pro-life Mass will be celebrated Sat. Jan., 22 at noon at Mary Help of Christians Church, 440 East 12 Street in Manhattan (map). Celebrant and homilist will be Reverend Richard J. Neuhaus, editor “First Things” magazine. Contact Rev. Sal Distefano for more information at 917-929-0839.
- Midland, TX: Rally and Prayer Vigil 1/22
- ProLife Midland will commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade with a one-hour non-denominational peaceful rally and vigil at Midland’s abortion clinic, corner of Ft. Worth and Texas streets (map), from noon to 1 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 21. Rally will be preceded at 11 a.m. by a 15-decade Rosary Procession behind a statue of the Blessed Mother. Contact Michael Banschbach for more information at 432-686-7709.
- Phoenix, AZ: Marches for Life 1/22
- The Arizona Life Coalition will host two Marches for Life on Sat. Jan. 22 to commemorate the lives lost and harmed by 32 years of legalized abortion. Both Marches begin at 12:30 p.m., one from Park Central and the other from St. Francis Xavier Parish. The marches will converge at Steele Park (map) for a rally, “Giving Life To A New Generation” featuring many great speakers and live music. More infromation at AZ Life Rally.
- Tucson, AZ: March for Life 1/22
- Gather at Salpointe Catholic High School, 1545 E. Copper, Tucson (map) at 9:00 a.m. Sat. Jan. 22 for prayers and Mass, followed by a rally and teen program from 10-12, and a march to Holy Hope Cemetery from 12-2 p.m., where a memorial service will be conducted. Program concludes at 2:45 p.m. More information at Tucson March for Life.
- St. Paul, MN: Prayer Rally and March for Life 1/22
- Pro-Lifers will gather pray outside Regions Hospital (map) from 9-10:00 a.m., the site of 700 abortions into the sixth month of pregnancy each year. An ecumenical prayer service will follow at St. Paul Cathedral (map)at 10:30, and a March for Life at noon starting at the State Capitol (map).
- Austin, TX: Rally for Life 1/22
- Gather Jan. 22 at 1:00 p.m. at Republic Square (4th and Guadalupe Sts.) (map) to march to the State Capitol with Governor Rick Perry. Rally at the Capitol from 2-3:00 p.m. For info call 512-477-1244 or visit Texas Rally for Life.
- Wichita, KS: Memorial 1/21 & “Tour of Shame” 1/22
- On Fr. Jan. 21 a Candlelight Vigil remembering the victims of abortion will be held 4:30-5:30 p.m. at Tiller’s abortion mill, 5107 E. Kellogg (map) and a Roe v. Wade Memorial Service 7-9:00 p.m. at Central Christian Church on the corner of 29th and Rock (map). On Sat. Jan. 22 begining at 9:00 a.m. Operation Rescue West will conduct a Tour of Shame of Abortion Mill Workers’ Neighborhoods, starting from Tiller’s mill (map).
- Glen Ellyn, IL: Prayer Service
- A “Prayer Vigil “To Save a Life” will be held on Sat. Jan. 22 9-10:00 a.m. at Anchor Abortion Clinic, 1186 Roosevelt Rd. (map). The vigil will be followed by refreshments at Christ the King, 1501 S. Main St. in Lombard (map).
- Fairbanks, AK: Face the Truth 1/22
- The first Alaska Face the Truth Tour will be held on Sat. Jan. 22., 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Details from Nikki at 907-479-5433 or Heather at 907-488-1633.
Many More Opportunities
These are only the events that we receive information on. There are many others all around the country. Contact your local National Right to Life Committee affiliate for information on events in your area.