Pro-abortion Illinois AG Lisa Madigan
On Thursday September 22, St. Ignatius College Prep will honor pro-abortion Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan as the keynote speaker at the Women’s Council annual dinner. The Pro-Life Action League will be there to voice our objection.
The protest, featuring huge graphic abortion pictures and picket signs objecting to the event, will be led by the Eric Scheidler, League Communications Director and a 1984 graduate of St. Ignatius. Pro-life alumni and other concerned faithful are invited to join the protest, 5-7 p.m at 1076 W. Roosevelt in Chicago (map).
St. Ignatius Defies Bishops, Cardinal
St. Ignatius President Fr. Brian Paulson, in whose name invitations to the event were issued, has refused to disinvite Madigan despite the protests of alumni and other concerned Catholics, and a direct appeal by Francis Cardinal George. The Madigan keynote defies the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops July 7, 2004 statement against Catholic institutions providing platforms for pro-abortion public figures.
Madigan’s pro-abortion record includes a vow to shut down what she called “phony” crisis pregnancy centers, as reported in the League’s December 2002 Action News. She was heavily supported in her AG campaign by abortion advocates Planned Parenthood and NOW.
Faithful Catholics Sending a Message
The League’s protest shows Catholic institutions that they can expect faithful Catholics to object publically and vocally when they choose to ignore the bishops and basic justice by honoring pro-abortion public figures. The League protested last October when Loyola Unviersity Law School gave Madigan an award.
The League hopes that such protests will also encourage the bishops with our strong support for their defense of the faith and our prayers that they will be ever more courageous in defense of God’s gift of life.