The League and volunteers will be out on the streets of Joliet, IL this Wednesday, August 17, for our monthly Face the Truth Tour. Next Action News Hotline will be on Friday, since Thursday is packed with meetings.
Staffers for pro-abortion Senators Charlie Schumer, Ted Kennedy, Arlen Specter, Dianne Feinstein and others on the Judiciary Committee are spending their vacation in their hot offices trying to dig up dirt on Judge John G. Roberts, President George Bush’s nominee to the U. S. Supreme Court. According to Jill Zuckman of the Chicago Tribune’s Washington Bureau, “Preet Bahara is spending his days, nights and weekends in a windowless office surrounded by piles of files preparing for the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Judge John Roberts Jr.”
August is for trying to get the fullest picture of Judge Roberts’ thinking and judicial philosophy through every means available, according to red-eyed Bahara. And Roberts’ rulings on abortion-related cases are of major importance in the search.
But some of the Senate aids are disappointed that Roberts is such an outstanding candidate and so well qualified for the position, that they don’t have as much work as they had expected.
But you can bet the pro-aborts will spice it up to make it sound pretty bad, just as NARAL Pro-Choice America tried to do in their outrageous anti-Roberts ad. But you see what that did to Roberts—got him a sympathy vote.
The Losers at NARAL
And speaking of NARAL‘s ridiculous decision to run the anti-Roberts ad, which has been trashed by pro-abortion pols like Arlen Specter, neutral media advisors and secular journals—even the pro-abortion Chicago Sun-Times editorial on Monday calls the NARAL gamble “a big time loser.”
NARAL tried to make Roberts appear to be discriminating against women, by writing an opinion that found pro-life protesters not subject to the 1871 Ku Klux Act. NARAL President Nancy Keenan is still arguing that they had a good ad, although they have withdrawn it after all the flack they got.
Locally, NARAL is holding a rally next Tuesday, August 23, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Federal Plaza at Adams and Dearborn. Their circular warns that in the event of rain, the protest will be rescheduled for Aug. 30, same time same place. If that’s how tough they are, they’re born losers.
“. . . With Liberty and Abortion for All”
Columnist George Will does a little mocking of anti-Roberts fanatics in his Sunday column. His pro-abortion-eye-view of our nation’s founding has Paul Revere galloping through the night warning that the British are coming to menace the right to abortion; the shot heard round the world was in defense of abortion; the Articles of Confederation were written to defend abortion rights and the framers of the Constitution met primarily to craft a more perfect abortion law.
Even the Civil War was fought to defend the right to abortion. His column is entitled, “Liberals need a history lesson on the Constitution.”
Frist’s Failure
Bob Novak in Monday’s column says Sen. Bill Frist (R, TN) picked the worst time possible to switch from his opposition to embryonic stem cell research to his support of it. Frist was getting better as Senate majority leader. The Senate had won some victories.
Frist was beginning to look like presidential material for 2008. Frist had been working with pro-life activists to derail embryonic stem cell research legislation. He has abandoned that effort since he now supports the research. Frist will be out of the Senate next year. We hope that is the end of his political career.
Pro-Lifers Picket Pro-Abort Party
Our hat is off to Hoosier pro-lifers who picketed the Indiana governor’s mansion because Planned Parenthood was holding a party there. Joining the pro-lifers was Indiana State Senator Jeffery Drozda of Westfield.
Speaking on behalf of the fifty pickets, Drozda said the Medicaid Fraud Unit of Indiana is investigating Planned Parenthood for reported cases of suspected child abuse, yet the state lets them use the Governor’s mansion for a party. El sicko!