We did a radio show from Annapolis, MD this morning and the whole discussion was on the Terri Schiavo plight. Having covered almost every aspect of the case from the actual condition of Terri to the possible actions that can be taken in the next two weeks before her feeding tube is to be removed, we got into the kind of death she faces if Judge George Greer does not change his order.
Terri Faces Torturous Death
The way Michael Schiavo, Terri’s husband, and apparently the judiciary want her to die is a slow lingering death that includes intolerable thirst, dry skin, dizziness, cramping of the limbs constant crying with no tears, headaches, swollen tongue, dry mouth, low blood pressure, muscle contractions in the arms, legs, stomach and back, convulsions, bloated stomach, dry eyes, rapid breathing, weak pulse, turning blue, heart failure.
This suffering could go on for days or even as long as two weeks. The Humane Society would try to arrest anyone doing that to a dog or a horse. The court in Florida is ordering it.
This description comes from Troy Newman who has been working tirelessly to save Terri’s life. She has until 1:00 p.m. EST on March l8 before the feeding tube is pulled, unless something almost miraculous happens.
Penny Pullen of Life Advocacy Resource Project sent what we assumed was a fundraising letter, but it wasn’t—it was a letter just asking for prayers for Terri—and for America. Good old Penny! So keep praying.
CWA Supports Right To Know Bill
Our hat is off to the Concerned Women of America of Illinois for coordinating an effort Wednesday to educate Illinois State legislators on the importance of providing women with the facts on abortion, fetal development and alternatives to abortion. Wednesday a group of women who regret their abortions held a press conference and visited elected officials in Springfield, IL to make their concerns known.
The bill they are trying to get out of the House Health Care Committee is Rep. Randall Hultgren’s (R-Winfield) “Woman’s Right to Know Act.” It demands a mandatory lecture to the woman before having an abortion and a mandatory 24-hour waiting period.
To help these concerned women get this bill out of committee and to get it passed, call the Illinois Chapter of Concerned Women for America at 708-371-7810, or contact your representative in Springfield, or call the Illinois Citizens for Life for directions at 630-852-5448.
Missing the Fourth R
Angela Myers of the Chicago Sun-Times had a very touching column on the closing of her own child’s Catholic School. A Catholic, she had a Catholic parochial education and praised the fourth R, a respect for what’s right. She fears that if her children have to go to public school they will miss that important “R”, also known as religion, so she is in a dilemma, as are many parents of children of the 23 Catholic Schools closing in the Archdiocese of Chicago in June.
What to do? She will begin with “something learned at home and reinforced for 12 years in Catholic schools, with my head bowed in prayer.”
Deathscort Converts
Debra Braun of Pro-Life Action Ministries in Minnesota just sent us a most inspiring testimony from a former deathscort turned Pro-Lifer, who goes by the name of Naaman on his blog. He worked at the mill in Falls Church, VA where pro-lifers had built a platform so they could talk over a high wood fence the abortionists had put up. I once stood on that platform and talked to the women going in to the mill.
The most important part of his conversion is his acknowledgment that the constant portrayal of abortion as a woman’s unquestionable right, has led many women and even doctors into committing grievous sins that they are never quite able to consider a sins, but rather only “rights.” So they will never repent of them.
Naaman believes this is the worst part of being pro-abortion: actually not recognizing it for what it is: murder.
Read John Leo’s Column
If you have time, read one of John Leo’s best comments “On Society” in the March 7 issue of U.S. News and World Report. Title: “Liberalism: Can it survive?” If you’re a conservative like me you’ll love it. If you’re a liberal you’ll despair.