All human beings, from their mother’s womb, belong to God who searches them and knows them, who forms them and knits them together with his own hands, who gazes on them when they are tiny shapeless embryos and already sees in them the adults of tomorrow.
—John Paul II
Evangelium Vitae, 1995
If we give up the principle that every man as man is under God’s protection, that as a man he is beyond the reach of our arbitrary will, we really do forsake the foundation or human rights.
—Pope Benedict XVI
(Joseph Ratzinger)
Salt of the Earth, 1996
The Pro-Life Action League joins the world in mourning the death of Pope John Paul II and celebrating the election of Pope Benedict XVI.
Pope John Paul II once called pro-life activism “the most important work on earth” and was an outspoken opponent of abortion. In the heroic suffering of his final years he made his most powerful testament to dignity of all human life.
When he visited Chicago in 1979, the League’s Joe and Ann Scheidler sang in the choir at his Grant Park Mass. In 1991, Joe Scheidler met the Holy Father during a meeting of pro-life leaders in Rome.
We look forward to strong pro-life leadership from our new Holy Father. Pope Benedict XVI is a man of humble faith and keen intellect, and has distinguished himself as a steadfast guardian of the Catholic faith.
As Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ratzinger strongly supported bishops who courageously stood up to pro-abortion Catholic politicians, and called upon society to “reawaken a new love for children.”