From left: Joe Scheidler, Laura Nelson and Fr. Jim Heyd at the WomanCare Services celebration at the Urbik home. [Photo by Ann Scheidler]
On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, December 28, supporters of the WomanCare Services pregnancy resource center in Berwyn, IL gathered at the home of Jerry and Barbara Urbik for a Christmas party and celebration of the successful start of the new center.
Laura Nelson, Director of WomanCare, the counselors and volunteers of the center, as well as the board of directors enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Urbiks. Dr. George Dietz, medical director of WomanCare, and his wife, Helen, were among the guests, as were Joe and Ann Scheidler.
After a delicious dinner, Ember Normad, a WomanCare volunteer, directed a hilarious grab-bag and steal-a-gift gift exchange. A party with a group of pro-lifers is always uplifting and the conversation was lively.
The Urbiks hosted a lunch for forty Face the Truth Tour volunteers last July. Chicago’s pro-life community is grateful for their generosity and dedication.