Pro-lifers across the country are overjoyed at the results of last night’s presidential election. The re-election of George W. Bush holds the promise for future pro-life victories at the federal level, especially in the appointment of judges. Perhaps more significantly, the strong showing of pro-lifers at the polls is cause for great optimism for the entire pro-life movement.
Also encouraging was the passage of ballot initiatives in eleven states restricting marriage to one man and one woman. Disappointing was the decision of California voters to fund embryonic stem cell research.
Decisive Pro-Life Vote
Before the election, pundits on both sides of the political spectrum opined that high voter turnout would help John Kerry. In the event, the highest turnout in forty years gave Bush the victory in both the Electoral College and the popular vote.
Pollsters report a high turnout of pro-life Evangelicals and Catholics. Perhaps statements by the bishops on the primacy of the pro-life issue, though often not as strong as pro-life activists would have liked, were enough to swing the Catholic vote in favor of life. This may have been decisive in the tight race for heavily Catholic Ohio, which swung the victory to Bush.
Pro-Lifers Energized by Election Results
The election is energizing pro-life and pro-family groups to carry on their grassroots effort to restore a culture of life in our land. The Pro-Life Action League will work to motivate more pro-life voters to become pro-life activists, turning the victory at the polls into an even greater victory outside the abortion mills.
- Turn Pro-Life Vote into Pro-Life Action — 11/3 League press release commenting on the election results