
Businesses Complain About Our Picket: But We Won’t Stop

The Pro-Life Action League’s picket last Saturday of Dr. Jan Barton’s new abortion mill in Des Plaines drew fifty pro-life activists who lined up on both sides of South River Road to hold signs pointing out that an abortionist now works in the multi-purpose building.

Picket Irks Neighboring Businesses

Some of the other business owners let us know rather forcefully that they did not appreciate our large protest, just as they had even complained when only five or six sidewalk counselors came out to talk to women going into Barton’s. We assured them that we will have to be present so long as abortions are being done in the building.

Our hope is that the other businesses will complain about having an abortionist who draws pro-lifers every week to their place of business. In a number of locales we have been able to keep an abortuary from moving into a multi-purpose building by going office to office and alerting the tenants of the coming abortion mill and have kept them out.

It is easier to keep them out than to get them out once they have moved in. But we can do that, too. We thank all those who were there Saturday.

Our next event takes place this Thursday when we hold our final fall Face the Truth Tour from 10:30 to Noon at the Wrigley Building, 410 North Michigan Ave and from 12:39 to 1:30 on Madison St. We will meet at Madison and Clark. Hope to see you there.

John Paul Speaks Out Against Euthanasia

The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II told a group of 600 medical professionals gathered for a conference on palliative care in the Vatican that medicine always places itself at the service of life. The Holy Father said:

Even when it knows it cannot defeat a serious pathology, it dedicates its own capabilities to alleviating suffering, to work with passion to help the patient in every situation means to be aware of the inalienable dignity of every human being, even those in the extreme conditions of a terminal state. Suffering, old age, the unconscious state, the imminence of death do not lessen the person’s intrinsic dignity. True compassion promotes every reasonable effort to favor the patient’s healing.

Belgium and the Netherlands already permit euthanasia, while England and Spain are considering legalizing euthanasia. The Catholic Church, of course, has always condemned euthanasia in any form and also condemns assisted suicide.

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