Members and volunteers of the Pro-Life Action League were out on the streets of downtown Chicago Wednesday distributing literature and showing large pictures of fetal development. This was one of our soft truth tours where we do not show the aborted babies, but simply inform the public of how they developed in their own mothers wombs. Our hand-out describes fetal development.
Though it was a dark, cold day, forty stalwarts showed up and response was good. One man paid for our donuts and told Ann Scheidler what a useful undertaking this is, to bring the truth of human life to the public. He wrote his comments on a greeting card.
Statewide Tour Defends Marriage
The Defending Marriage Tour, United We Stand, headed up by Jim Finnegan and Kathy Valente, has covered most of the state of Illinois and will hold its closing ceremonies this Friday Night, October 22, at 5:30 PM at the Will County Court House, 14 West Jefferson Street in Joliet. Alan Keyes, Republican candidate for U. S. Senate, will be the main speaker.
Tell all your friends around Joliet to attend this grand finale of a highly successful two-week tour of Illinois to make it clear that marriage is a union of one man and one woman. From all reports the tour has been a great success, having visited Chicago, Elmhurst, Rockford, Freeport, Sterling, Peoria, Springfield, Quincy, Waterloo Carbondale, Effingham, Champaign, Kankakee and Joliet by the time it ends.
Oak Parker Gets It Right on Stem Cells
Dan Duffy of Oak Park has a thoughtful and logical letter in Wednesday’s Chicago Tribune. Headlined, “No right to be cured at the expense of another,” it deals with the growing insistence on the use of embryonic stem cells as potential cures for a variety of diseases.
After empathizing with those are paralyzed like Christopher Reeve, and even noting that he took Reeve’s advice and sat motionless for an hour to see what it would be like to be paralyzed, Duffy concludes “None of us has the right to be cured at the expense of another human life.” He says further that the government has no role more vital than protecting defenseless individuals from powerful individuals.
The unborn cannot speak for themselves and need our protection., yet they are dismissed even by some scientists. Yet no scientist can honestly deny that harvesting the stem cells of a fertilized embryo ends a human life.
Adult stem cells are already used to cure diseases and conduct research. Adult stem cell research doesn’t kill anyone and should be pursued. Those of us who have a voice should use it to prevent the harvesting of profits at the lethal expense of the defenseless. Good letter.
Keating Not Deterred by Kissling Suit
Karl Keating of Catholic Answers fame wrote us saying that Frances Kissling of Catholics for a Free Choice has been attacking him for publishing his Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics. She has filed a complaint with the IRS claiming that the guide violates tax rules governing non-profit charitable organizations. She is trying to stop him from running this guide as a full page ad in USA Today.
The Voters Guide does not mention any candidates, any party or any specific election, nor does it endorse or oppose anyone. The guide merely states principles that real Catholics are obliged to abide by when voting. If the guide makes it into USA Today it will be seen by 4.8 million readers.
Keating says he is determined to get it in and beat this fake charge. Say a prayer for his success. Millions of these guides have been distributed all over America, but the USA Today ad has the whole guide on one page.