The White House has threatened to veto the Foreign Operations Appropriations bill if it passes in its present form coming from the Senate. The Senate version would drop the “Mexico City Policy,” denying funds to countries that perform abortion.
Bush Calls on UN Action Against Cloning
Before the UN last week President George W. Bush called on defense of America’s policy of international action to outlaw human cloning. Bush said, that both the American Declaration of Independence and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaim the equal value and dignity of every human life,and that this dignity is honored by the rule of law, and puts limits on the power of the state.
Bush asked the UN to sponsor a resolution calling for a comprehensive ban on human cloning, while urging that all governments affirm a basic ethical principle that no human life should ever be produced or destroyed for the benefit of another.
El Paso Truth Tour Report
Sandy Ramirez of El Paso, TX writes that their Face the Truth tour was a howling success. They stood in front of the Cielo Vista Mall with their signs, where they got far more thumbs up than hostile gestures. Mall security was friendly, but the police, with flashing lights, said they were getting calls and demanded that the Truth Tour leave.
Sandy told the police that under El Paso city ordinance 13.32.020 they were perfectly within their rights, but the police insisted that they put their signs away. Sandra then said to the police, “Let me call my lawyer.”
While Sandra called her attorney the officer called his sergeant. When Sandy’s lawyer told the police officer they’d see him in court on a violation of the First Amendment, the police got much nicer and even promised to come and guard them the next time they come out on tour. It always pays to have an attorney handy.
Group To Protest Kerry Benefit Concert
Up Michigan way, the indomitable Monica Migliorino Miller is helping set up a picket October 3 at the Cobo Arena in Detroit to counter Bruce Springsteen’s concert to benefit John Kerry’s presidential campaign. The tab to get in to hear Springsteen is $75 per ticket.
Monica is calling out the troops, and telling them to bring their hardest-hitting signs. Monica is no moderate pro-lifer.
Iowan Calls Kerry “Pro-Abortion”
Eva McManus of Clinton, IA read an article in her local newspaper about how John Kerry does not support abortion but is only pro-choice. Eva couldn’t stand that lie and answered the column by asking just exactly what does a woman choose when she chooses an abortion? She chooses to take the life of a baby, alive and growing in her womb.
“Kerry,” Eva concludes, “has voted for all of the abortion legislation that has come before him. He is for abortion.”
Voters Must Vote for Life
In Living the Gospel of Life we read that being right in such matters as racism, poverty, hunger, employment, education, housing and health care, can never excuse a wrong choice regarding direct attacks on innocent human life. And in the Doctrinal Note on Catholics in Political Life we read, “Those involved in lawmaking have a grave and clear obligation to oppose laws that attack human life.”
Again from Living the Gospel of Life: “For voters, it means exercising their significant power of citizenship in ways that defend human life, especially those who are waiting to be born, disabled or otherwise defenseless. The bishops urge Catholic voters to choose political leaders based on principle, rather than on party affiliation or self-interest.” Need we say more?