Democrat Presidential hopeful Joseph Lieberman, formerly VP candidate on the 2000 Gore/Lieberman ticket, is courting the abortion vote, receiving praise from the likes of NARAL Pro-Choice America president and abortion activist Kate Michelman.
NARAL Priases Lieberman
Michelman says she is impressed with his consistent pro-abortion voting record in the Senate. Lieberman says he does not want to revisit the 1973 abortion ruling, Roe.v Wade, while calling abortion “a woman’s clearly protected right to choose . . . from the first trimester to 24 weeks.”
A Manchester, New Hampshire, Union Leader newspaper story had suggested that Lieberman thought the ruling should be updated to reflect medical advances, but Lieberman says he didn’t say or suggest any such a thing. While the Union Leader stands by its report, a Lieberman spokesman says the story has no direct quote because Lieberman never said such a thing. Someday he will probably wish he had.
2004: A Pivotal Year for Pro-Life
Rev. Ed Martin of Rescue America in Ocala, FL writes in his December newsletter that he believes 2004 is a pivotal year for pro-life. He sees a gradual but consistent return to God taking place.
Ed is not alone in his observation. Many spiritual leaders with whom we are in touch believe there is a new awareness of our desperate need for God to help salvage our society. We don’t know the time table, but 2004 is certainly going to see some significant changes if this country and, in fact, the world is going to survive the moral crisis that we are in.
While the world has not been perfect since Eden, with the expansion of evil through multi-media, immoral court rulings and the invention of Godless, immoral laws in various legislatures, not only in America but throughout the world, prayer must necessarily increase in intensity and in numbers. God must be brought more firmly into the bettering of the human condition.
Ed promises to intensify his campaign of prayer and action and we are resolved to do the same.
Coverage of Firehouse Caroling
A January 1 story by Irv Leavitt of the Pioneer Press describes the League’s visit to Glenview’s Fire Station No. 7 on Christmas eve to sing Christmas carols in response to Glenview’s enforcement of a ban on religious displays. It reports that the leader of the event was Ann Crowley Scheidler, and explains that a few days before this the League had sung carols at five Chicago abortion mills.
The story features photographs taken both outside and inside the fire station. Similar coverage of that event appeared in the Chicago Tribune and on local television.