The final tour stop in Niles was an awesome sight to behold [Photo by EJS]
The 2003 Chicago area Face the Truth tour ended Saturday, July 19 with a massive pro-life presence in three sites in the northern suburbs. Over 100 activists joined us for our last stop in Niles, with graphic abortion signs stretching block after block in every direction. Thanks to all who joined us in person or in prayer during the past two weeks.
Veterans of past Face the Truth tours agree that our just-concluded fourth annual tour was our best yet. The tour began with a three-day assault on downtown Chicago before branching out to the north and south sides, the suburbs and northwest Indiana.
Handful of feckless pro-aborts (left) flanked by pro-life signs in Northbrook. Sign reads: “Pro-Family, Pro-Child, Pro-Choice.” [Photo by EJS]
By the final days of the tour, we had achieved a kind of Special Forces efficiency, mobilizing dozens of volunteers within a quarter hour at each site—a crack battalion of the Church Militant. This was in stark contrast to the pro-aborts, a handful of whom showed up at a few sites with home-made signs.
At least twenty babies were saved during the tour, including the fifth child of a Hispanic couple who stopped to ask about the authenticity of our graphic abortion pictures in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood. For more on Face the Truth and the sucessful 2003 tour, see the following:
- Joe’s First Tour Report (Wednesday July 9 Hotline)
- Joe’s Second Tour Report (Friday July 11 Hotline)
- Joe’s Third Tour Report (Monday July 14 Hotline)
- Joe’s Fourth Tour Report (Wednesday July 16 Hotline)
- Joe’s Final Tour Report (Monday July 21 Hotline)
- Full Schedule — dates, times, maps
- General information about Face the Truth
- The flyer we distributed (webpage version)
- Press Release on this year’s tour