Last call to join our five-abortion mill Empty Manger Christmas Caroling party this Saturday, December 20, starting at 9 a.m. at Albany Killing Center at Cicero and Elston in Chicago. You can meet us at any of the five stops.
Caroling to Conclude at Closed Clinic
Everyone who loves Life should at least show up for a gala Alleluia Chorus at boarded-up Concord Medical Center at 17 West Grand Ave. at 12:15 p.m. to celebrate the closing of one of America’s most notorious and long-running death camps.
Concord was in operation much longer than Auschwitz or Dachau or Bukenwald. Come and sing a Te Deum at this shut-down mill where we will pray for all the babies, and some mothers, who were killed there. That’s this Saturday, Dec. 20. If you are within driving range, have one drop of pro-life blood in you, and aren’t presently dying of the flu, you should make at least one of these stops.
O’Reilly: We’re All Getting Sick of Media Filth
TV conservative talk show host and columnist Bill O’Reilly wrote recently that it isn’t only conservatives and far right Christians who are sick of media filth, but even non-religious people are getting tired of TV, radio and print slime. He also points out that 87 percent of Americans approve of Nativity scenes displayed on public property at Christmas but you won’t read this in the secular press, as the ACLU rides roughshod over the will of the people.
But everyone has to admit that it is still Called Christmas, that is Christ’s Mass, and whether they know it or not, the whole world is celebrating the birth of the Christ child even thought they may try to change it to the Winter Solstice, Frost Time or just The Winter Holiday. It ends up that they’re all celebrating Christ’s birthday. That’s the irony of it. Thanks, Bill, we needed that.
Tribune Backs Abortifacient Pill
The Chicago Baboon has a Thursday editorial supporting over-the-counter abortion drug Plan B. Their argument is that even though the pill has some bad side effects, may encourage more teen promiscuity, hides the medication from parents, could be lethal without a doctor’s prescription, still it might — get this — decrease abortions.
Their rationale: kill the baby early so you won’t have to kill the baby later. Brilliant. You have an early abortion to prevent a later abortion.
The editor actually admits, though, that the pill doesn’t prevent venereal diseases. The fact is it will probably increase the instances of STDs. But at least this editor admits that the pill “in some instances prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.” That’s abortion, pal.
So the Tribune is on record urging easy availability of the abortion pills known as “emergency contraceptive,” right before the world celebrates the birth of the Child who came to save mankind from its sins. We wonder if people like this ever consider the four last things which face us all — you, me, saints, abortionists, Tribune editorial writers: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell.
March for . . . What’s It This Month?
The silly abortion march coming up April 25 in Washington D.C. has changed its name from whatever it was to The March for Women’s Lives. A letter from march organizers explains that the name change reflects urgency and diversity, such as lesbians, gays, abortion mills, labor, you name it.
We’re tempted to join the big convergence as Racketeers for Life. We didn’t see that one on their divergent list.