Plan to attend a prayer service for conversion of our abortion culture this Sunday, at Santa Maria Del Populo in Mundelein, IL, starting at 2 p.m. and lasting one hour. The Church is at 116 N. Lake Street in Mundelein and the prayer vigil will be under the direction of Fr. Robert Augirre. At the conclusion of the period of silent prayer there will be some brief comments by pro-life leaders. Please attend.
October 15 Truth Day
Also to put on your must-do calendar is a half-day Face the Truth tour on Wednesday, Oct. 15 in downtown Chicago. This tour will begin at 8 a.m. at Madison and Wacker to intercept the crowds going east into the Loop from the train stations. From 10:30 until noon we will be in the Daley Plaza.
All the signs on this tour will be fetal development, LIFE signs, and the Jesus Picture, and only fetal development flyers will be handed out. There will be no graphic abortion pictures at these stops and the tour will end at noon. Try to take part in this tour. If you have been hesitant to show the graphic pictures of aborted babies, this tour is for you. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Moving Abortion Aftermath Video
We have just watched a new video on abortion aftermath entitled, “My Abortion Testimony, a Story of Hope” by Karen Reynoso. We have seen many such videos, but this is one of the best we have reviewed. It is by the Renewed Hope Ministry in Norco, CA.
Everyone should see it. Karen had four abortions before she came to realize the full horror of what she had done. She went into deep depression. But through help organizations she eventually made her peace with God, gave her four unborn children names, and is consoled that she will meet them some day in Heaven.
Her story sounds common, but the manner in which it unfolds, the way she speaks from her heart, the powerful photography and touching music make it a difficult video to watch without wanting to do all you can to stop abortion.
We show the video every chance we get. Drop by and see it, or borrow it from us. Or you may order it by calling 909 361-1478, or e-mail Karen for more information. We wish every woman going in for an abortion could see this testimony.
SpeakOut Illinois: January 25
Another Important event coming up is the annual SpeakOut Illinois statewide conference on Sunday, January 25, 2004 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Oak Brook at 1 p.m. The program features Erika Harold, Miss America 2003, workshops on how a Christian family should handle a crisis pregnancy, how to help women who have had abortions, a talk by former abortionists on what goes on inside the abortion mill, the Church’s response to abortion, and how to talk to children about abortion.
Dinner is at 6:00 followed by a memorial for the unborn. For more information call 312-422-9300 or visit the SpeakOut Illinois website.
The Only Way To Understand Abortion
When is the last time you stood in front of an abortion mill and prayed or tried to counsel a woman out of having an abortion? For Julie and Ann and Annie and Alan and Walter and Urszula and me it was Thursday.
The women were coming in droves for abortions. Some of our counselors spent seven hours at the mill and we had three turn-aways, but the ones who decided despite counseling to have their abortions were pitiful. One fifteen-year old said she wanted the baby but her mother insisted on the abortion and the young girl had it.
Lydia, a pro-lifer, had never been to an abortion clinic, but after coming Thursday she said everyone who calls himself pro-life must spend some time at an abortion mill. There is no way to describe the strange feeling one gets seeing women and their escorts rushing in to kill their own children. There is a palpable evil presence at the mill.
If you wonder why America has turned away from God, spend an hour or so at an abortion mill. Sooner or later you have to, or you’ll never understand the battle for the soul of America.