Plan now to make next January’s Speak our Illinois the biggest attendance ever. Among the speakers for this 31st anniversary of the infamous Roe and Doe abortion decisions will be Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist who will tell all about what goes on inside the abortion business along with Kathy Sparks, who also worked in an abortion mill.
SpeakOut Illinois 2004
Elizabeth Verchio will talk about how women are breaking the silence about their own abortions, and Joe and Carol Walsh will discuss parents whose children have out-of-wedlock pregnancies. Workshops also include “After the Choice” by Yvonne Florczak-Seeman, while Karen Hayes of Concerned Women for America and Elaine Kindler of Aid for Women, a crisis pregnancy outreach, will discuss how to help women who are thinking about abortion or have had abortions.
Talks on how to tell your children about abortion are by Mary Louise Kurey, Annie Scheidler and Linda Maier. Erika Harold, Miss America 2003 is the Keynote speaker. The annual Henry Hyde Life Leadership Award will be given to, of all people, Ann and Joe Scheidler, so I’m tooting my own horn here.
The largest turnout Speak Out Illinois has ever had was on the 25th anniversary of Roe when nearly 1,000 attended. We want to break that record. The event takes place on Sunday, January 25, 2004 starting at 1:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency, Oak Brook. For more information or to make your reservations early and get a price break call 312-422-9300.
Murder Will Out
From time to time we receive letters and e-mails suggesting that we are too harsh in the way we speak about abortionists, and the word we are most often to told to stop using is the word “murder.” We should not say that abortion is murder or that abortionists commit murder or that babies are murdered in abortion.
Strictly speaking, since abortion has been legalized by the U. S. Supreme court it cannot technically be called murder and you can’t take an abortionist to court on a murder charge. But in common parlance the taking of a helpless, defenseless totally innocent human life deliberately is in fact murder.
Should we call the abortionist a murderer? Maybe “baby-killer” would be more legally correct, but we take our lead from the abortionists themselves, and from many women we have talked with, and the word they use is simply “murder.”
McArthur Hill leaned over the podium at one of our Meet the Abortion Providers conferences and said, “I want you to know that I am a murderer.” Tony Levatino called himself a contract killer, a hit-man. In fact, every one of the doctors who have spoken at our Meet the Abortion Providers conferences has said at some time during his or her talk, “I am a murderer.” Even a group of pro-aborts on the west coast call themselves Murder, Inc.
However, most pro-lifers use the word less often than many of our critics think we do. But when we use it we mean it. We did use it last week in admitting that we were against Paul Hill’s murder of Dr. John Britain, but also that we were against Britain’s murder of unborn children. We also threw in that we thought the State of Florida was murdering Paul Hill since they denied him a fair trial before giving him the death penalty.
Pro-Lifers Confront Pro-Abort Dems
Pro-abort Democrat candidates for President, all dozen of them, are being met at many of their whistle stops by pro-lifers Ron Brock and his truck with pictures of aborted babies, and Bob Rothlisburger of Chicago. Most recently Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts had to try to dodge Ron and Bob’s graphic signs and became all unhinged. We admire the awesome twosome for going after so many candidates so early in the season.