On Wednesday, July 23, a very special guest — a man we have admired for years as one of the greatest minds in the pro-life movement — will visit our office and give a full day workshop on successful methods of fighting abortion.
Pro-Life Basic Training by Brian Clowes
Brian Clowes, is Research Director for Human Life International, a former Green Beret and a Human Computer. If you miss this workshop Wednesday you will spend the rest of your life kicking yourself because you will have missed an opportunity that may come only once in a person’s lifetime.
Brian is the author of the Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia. Brian is a computer whiz and is putting volumes of information on a disc that will be a living library of facts and information we will all be using for generations to come. As we say, this is a can’t-miss-once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you plan to come please call our office so we will know how many to plan lunch for, at 773-777-2900.
John Morales Talk Tuesday
On Tuesday night, July 22, at 7 P. M., you can hear John Morales, prominent sports caster for the Morning Air program, speaking at St. Francis Borgia Parish , Stokes Center, on “From Wrigley Field to St. Peters.” John is a frequent guest on St. Joseph Radio and appears on EWTN’s Life on the Rock. His talk is about sports and religion. Stokes Center is at 8025 West Addison Street, Chicago. This will be an evening to remember. Try to make both events.
Face the Truth 2003 Concludes
Following our last site on the two-week Face the Truth Tour we held a party for 74 tour members at our home in Edgebrook. The two-week tour was a roaring success with 21 recorded saves, contacts made with 300,000 people at 28 sites, with seven overpasses in downtown Chicago covered on four separate occasions for 100,000 viewers, stops at the major train stations, along Lake Shore Drive, on Michigan Avenue, at the Daley Plaza, with a dip into Indiana for some front page coverage in Valparaiso.
Not a single major newspaper in the Chicago area covered our major event, but the people saw it and that’s what counts. The secular media believe that if they don’t mention us we will go away. Wake up and smell the coffee, guys. We’re here to stay until abortion goes away.
Police were mostly cooperative and we are writing all Department Heads with compliments. The pro-aborts were pitifully absent. On the last day one lone pro-abort with her paper hand-made sign walked away shouting obscenities leaving our crowd of one-hundred pro-lifers to hold a prayer service. She disappeared along with the setting sun.
Had the Tribune or Sun-Times covered our Face the Truth Tour there is no doubt that they would have presented the event as a balanced protest, equal numbers on each side. They always do. Maybe it’s just as well that they stayed away in droves. Monte Lerick of WMBI radio covered us as he does every pro-life activity. Our hat is off to the single most honest reporter in Chicagoland.
Ohio Abortion Mill Flanked by CPCs
Good news out of Ohio. Bonnie Oleksa of Pro-Life Ohio called to tell us that they have bought the buildings on each side of a new Planned Parenthood abortion mill going up in Mansfield Ohio. Each building will become a Crisis Pregnancy Center.
The Planned Parenthood folks are going bananas, and are calling for a special meeting with the city fathers to see what they can do to keep the pro-lifers from taking all their business away. The buildings were paid for by prominent pro-life business men and are being furnished by local businesses. Mark a big win for Pro-life Ohio.