We have all known for several years that the YWCA, founded in 1858 as the Young Women’s Christian Association, has strayed radically from its Christian roots. If there was any doubt in anyone’s mind, let us assure you, we now know exactly where the YWCA stands on fundamental life issues.
Pro-Abort Ireland To Head WYCA
Patricia Ireland, former president of the National Organization for Women, has been named chief executive of the YWCA. Ireland claims credit for coming up with the idea of suing Scheidler and the Pro-Life Action League under the RICO statute when it became clear that the original anti-trust claims were going to be dismissed.
Far from bringing some sort of prestige to the YWCA, placing Ireland at the helm proves that the Young Women’s Christian Association is just another National Organization for Women. We will probably hear next that they have dropped the word “Christian” from their title. By rights they certainly should.
Indiana Law May Finally Be Enforced
An Indiana law, passed in 1995, which requires that abortion providers tell women about the medical risks of abortion and about alternatives at least 18 hours before undergoing the procedure, may finally go into effect.
Planned Parenthood, which claims to have the best interests of women at heart, had fought hard to make sure this law would never see the light of day. Court challenges have stalled its implementation for 8 years. As our readers know, we are well aware of how long things can drag out in the courts.
Abortion and Infertility
Buried on the last page of the Women’s Section of Wednesday’s Chicago Tribune was a new report just published in the April 2003 issue of the journal Fertility and Sterility, identifying a new cause for infertility. According to this report, evidence shows that pieces of fetal bone left behind after an abortion can cause chronic irritation in the uterus, interfering with subsequent pregnancies — acting almost like an IUD.
Doctors say that any fetus at least 12 weeks old can have bony tissues. In virtually every case where the bone fragments were removed the women were able to get pregnant soon afterward. Isn’t abortion a gift to women!
Victory Celebration
Plans are in full swing for the Pro-Life Action League’s Victory Celebration. Please mark your calendar for Saturday, June 7. Plan to spend the day helping us celebrate the 8-1 Supreme Court victory.
We will begin at 10:00 with a huge, rousing rally in the Federal Plaza — across the street from the site of the NOW v. Scheidler trial. In the afternoon there will be workshops at the Congress Plaza Hotel in downtown Chicago, followed by a Victory Banquet. You won’t want to miss this exciting event. The Pro-Life Action League is Bringing America Back to Life and launching a whole new era of pro-life momentum. You are invited!