Although newspapers across the country, and even internationally, proclaimed our 8-1 victory in NOW v. Scheidler on February 26, NOW’s attorney Fay Clayton persists in her refusal to acknowledge defeat.
Sore Loser Fay Clayton
In radio and TV interviews, as well as in the written press, Fay has insisted the defeat was not a defeat because they didn’t need RICO anyway. Says Ms. Clayton: We have FACE, so it doesn’t matter what happened with the lawsuit.
However, contrary to what she may say publicly, Ms. Clayton is still attempting to snatch some kind of victory from her Supreme Court loss. On Holy Thursday she filed a request with the Court of Appeal in Chicago that that Court ask the original trial court to determine whether the injunction issued by it should remain in place. Claiming that the Supreme Court did not deal with the “4 acts or threats of physical violence to persons or property” in their Feb. 26 ruling, Fay has incredibly concluded that somehow the Supreme Court did not really mean it when they said the injunction should be vacated.
By all rights the Appellate Court should reject NOW’s latest appeal. But as we have learned, in an abortion case nothing can be taken for granted. Our attorneys are preparing a response to this latest salvo.
Please continue your prayers for this cause. Until the District court has vacated its 1999 judgment and reversed the 1998 jury findings, it is not over. The bond remains in place, so neither the Scheidler home nor the $70,000 cash will be released until Judge Coar has formally vacated his ruling.
NOW v. Scheidler seems to have a certain eternality about it. The pro-aborts are so panicked about the possibility of losing any ground in the battle to keep abortion totally available that any defeat is unacceptable. They had better get used to losing, because pro-life is on the move.
The Threat of State FACE Bills
In Illinois and other states where state FACE bills are under consideration, it is imperative that pro-lifers protect their right to protest abortion and offer alternatives to women where abortions are taking place -— right at the killing centers.
In Illinois, House Bill 2486 is due to come up in the Senate. This bill is specifically aimed at sidewalk counselors and pro-lifers who pray at abortion clinics.
During this Easter week the senators are in recess and will be in their home offices. Today or tomorrow at the latest, call or write your Illinois Senator and urge him or her to vote NO on House Bill 2486.
Remember, since the last census, many district boundaries have changed. Find out who your Illinois senator is from the State Board of Elections or call Illinois Citizens for Life at 630-852-5448 to find out who your senator is.
Pro-Life Events This Weekend
Next weekend an important conference will be held in Dolton, IL: the first annual Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN) Midwest Regional pro-life conference, “Faith Essentials for Black Family Survival.” The conference will emphasize the devastating effect of abortion on the black community and the decline of the black family. League National Director Joe Scheidler will be speaking at the conference. For information on this conference, call Rev. Cesar LeFlore at 708-339-1723.
Also, on Saturday, April 26, please join the Pro-Life Action League and Fr. Frank Pavone for a prayer vigil at Christ Hospital at 2:45 PM at Kostner Avenue and 95th St. Fr. Pavone will be speaking on Saturday evening at the first annual prayer and action banquet for the Illinois chapter of Concerned Women for America. For information on attending that event and hearing Fr. Pavone speak, call 708-371-7810.