The last week of Lent is upon us, known as Holy Week. During Holy Week practicing Christians recall the passion and death of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Suffering through Holy Week
Palm Sunday begins the week as we celebrate Our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem where Many of His still too materialistic followers believed His was going to be a physical take over of the government, a victory over the Roman occupiers and establishment of a theocracy. Wrong.
As we see in the following days when Jesus made it clear that His kingdom was not here but in Heaven and that suffering and self denial are the price of entering the Kingdom. It is a sober message but one that is absolutely the only message that matters. We all suffer through Holy Week as well we must.
Tell Your Illinois Senator NO on HB 2486
One bit of suffering for pro lifers this Lent has been the necessity of reading through three outrageous and mindless bills presently in the Illinois General Assembly, bills that strike at freedom of speech, religion and redress of grievance. Possibly the most blatantly irreverent and outrageous is House Bill 2486 which would not allow a decent God fearing pro-lifer to even try to dissuade a woman from murdering her unborn child.
Yes, the bill actually says that nobody may try to dissuade another person from changing her mind about abortion. True, it’s hard to believe anyone would think they could get away with a travesty like that, but the pro-aborts are desperate and know they can pull the wool over legislators’ eyes as they have so frequently done. Here are exact words from their insane proposal:
A person commits the offense of unlawful interference with access to reproductive health when he or she . . . intimidate or interfere with any person or entity because that person or entity is a reproductive health services client, provider, or assistant. . . . A person aggrieved [Could that person also be an entity?] . . . may bring a civil action to enjoin the violation, for compensatory and punitive damages, and for the costs of suit and reasonable fees for attorneys and expert witnesses.
This broad, confusing, catch basin of a law can’t possibly stand a legal challenge, but what a waste of tax-payers money and legislator’s precious time even trying to put it into law. What scares us a little, however, is the fact that this nonsense measure got by the Illinois House.
Well, if we and other pro life groups have anything to do with it, it will not get by the Illinois Senate. As of this report it has not found a committee, but we are not waiting for that. All Illinois pro-lifers must call their senators and say no to HB 2486. There are other outrageous bills but let’s concentrate for now on this Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances bill.
Kurey in Chicago Tribune on Harms of Abortion
Meanwhile, read the lead letter in Thursday’s Chicago Tribune from Mary-Louise Kurey on the damaging effects of having an abortion, explaining why a study on post-abortion sequelae used by the pro-aborts as repeated by Chicago Tribune correspondent Judith Graham is a scam. And that in fact good studies show terrible consequences of abortion, both physical and psychological.
Mary-Louise points out that Graham uses a study published by Brenda Major who only uses cases of recent abortions, say within two years, but that the majority of women who have abortions experience trauma later than that so that the study is dishonest and inconclusive. Kurey, director of the Chicago Archdiocesan Respect Life office says much more about the issue and concludes that Graham’s article in the Tribune succeeded only in adding to the barrage of misinformation that tells millions of women suffering in silence from abortion that they still have no right to grieve over the abortions they had.
You’re Invited
You will soon be seeing an invitation in the mail to attend the gala Bring America Back to Life Rally, Workshops and Banquet to be held Saturday, June 7. The rally is in the Federal Plaza and the Workshops and Banquet are at the Congress Hotel. We will have some of the most active pro-life leaders in the nation on stage at the rally and hope you will circle that day to come down and join the fun.
Protecting Unborn Iraqis
Meanwhile, a lawyer from Indiana has sent us the wording of a proclamation that he has already sent to President George W. Bush suggesting that he declare that all unborn human beings within the territory of Iraq now subject to the military or naval forces of the United States are free from the act of abortion and are recognized as having a right to life as persons.
He is asking Bush to make this proclamation by virtue of his power as Commander in Chief of the military and Naval forces of the United States, and that this proclamation is a fit and necessary war measure to secure the freedom of all persons in Iraq. What do you think? The attorney from Indiana is asking that you pray that Bush will seriously consider this action.