Last week we said good-bye to two American patriots who fought in World War II. Tim Murphy Sr. was in the invasion of France in 1944 and Motts Tonelli was in the Battle of Bataan and spent four years in Japanese prisons. Both men deserve our deep gratitude for helping preserve our freedom.
Now it’s up to us to use it wisely and morally. Freedom without morals is license and there’s too much of that. May they rest in peace and may we fight on to preserve what they fought for.
Governor George Ryan’s Betrayal
George Ryan commuted the death sentences of 164 convicted criminals to salve his conscience and be able to sleep at night. But as governor he wouldn’t lift a finger to commute the death sentences of seventy thousand unborn children murdered annually in Illinois abortion mills.
Ryan vetoed anti-abortion bills even though he ran on a pro-life platform. He forced taxpayers to pay to kill helpless children. Apparently it was asking too much for this so-called pro-life governor to save one baby. He had already betrayed his pro-life position when he chose a pro-abort for lieutenant governor. During his tenure Illinois was the Mecca for the abortion trade as women came from neighboring states with some restrictions on abortion.
Ryan’s conscience was tender toward mass killers but hardened toward the helpless unborn babies. Ryan thinks now he’ll sleep better with 164 death row inmates off death row. Maybe he will. Unless he remembers all the babies he left on death row. And with Ryan blowing his chance for a second term look what Illinois got — militant pro-abortion Democrat Rob Blagojevich.
Catholic Prayer Service for Pro-Abort Kansas Governor
In Topeka, KS Monday, pro-abortion governor Kathleen Gilligan Sebelius was picketed by pro-life activists as she attended a nomination prayer service in Assumption Catholic Church. As Troy Newman’s truck with graphic photos of aborted babies parked in front of the church, pro-lifers on the sidewalk charged Sebelius with taking money — two hundred thousand dollars — from arch abortionist George “the Killer” Tiller of Wichita.
Sebelius and her entourage tried to ignore the pictures and the charges being made as they walked from the church to the State House across the street for the swearing in ceremony. To his credit, archbishop James Patrick Keleher wrote in the archdiocesan newspaper that Sebelius was at odds with the Catholic faith “on that most fundamental moral issue of respect for the right to life of the unborn.” Sebelius is an Assumption parishioner.
Keleher said the parish made plans for the interfaith service without his knowledge and consent, and said that if he had known of the plans he would not have approved of them. He even recommended an alternate site for the prayer service. But apparently the real power was Nicole Corcoran Basso who refused to move the service, saying everything was set up and publicized.
Assumption pastor John Rossiter said the governor’s party was there to pray for the common good of Kansas. Obviously those prayers do not include the unborn of Kansas. In her speech Sebelius spoke of the need for strong families, said Kansans live the values of faith and family, and called on Kansans to recommit themselves to the values and ethics of the pioneers, and asked God to bless the great state of Kansas. Wanna bet?
Fr. Kavanaugh’s Strategy for Handling Pro-Abort Pols
Before the event Monday, Fr. Rossiter of Assumption Church received a letter from Fr. Edward J. Kavanagh of St. Patrick’s Home for Children in Sacramento California, telling him to make Sebelius sign an anti-abortion pledge before she could use his church. Kavanagh had done this when pro-abortion california governor Gray Davis wanted to visit Kavanagh’s orphanage for a photo op. Davis said no and Msgr. Kavanagh said Davis could not come to St. Patrick’s Home for his political purpose. Msgr. Kavahagh said he was overwhelmed with letters, faxes, e-mails and calls supporting his decision.
Meanwhile, late term abortionist George Tiller, the governor’s strong supporter, will offer free abortions to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Roe V. Wade. Pro-lifers will protest in front of Tiller’s mill on January 22.